/* * @project The CERN Tape Archive (CTA) * @copyright Copyright © 2021-2022 CERN * @license This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". You can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL Version 3, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or * submit itself to any jurisdiction. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/exception/InvalidArgument.hpp" #include "common/exception/Exception.hpp" #include "common/Timer.hpp" #include "common/utils/utils.hpp" #include "common/exception/Errnum.hpp" #include "mediachanger/io.hpp" #include "mediachanger/SmartFd.hpp" namespace cta::mediachanger { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // createListenerSock //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int createListenerSock(const unsigned short port) { const unsigned short lowPort = port; const unsigned short highPort = port; unsigned short chosenPort = 0; struct in_addr networkAddress; memset(&networkAddress, '\0', sizeof(networkAddress)); networkAddress.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; return createListenerSock(networkAddress, lowPort, highPort, chosenPort); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // createListenerSock //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int createListenerSock( const unsigned short lowPort, const unsigned short highPort, unsigned short &chosenPort) { struct in_addr networkAddress; memset(&networkAddress, '\0', sizeof(networkAddress)); networkAddress.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; return createListenerSock(networkAddress, lowPort, highPort, chosenPort); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // createListenerSock //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int createListenerSock( const std::string &addr, const unsigned short lowPort, const unsigned short highPort, unsigned short &chosenPort) { struct in_addr networkAddress; const int rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, addr.c_str(), &networkAddress); if(0 >= rc) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to create listener socket:" " Failed to convert string to network address: value=" << addr; throw ex; } return createListenerSock(networkAddress, lowPort, highPort, chosenPort); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // createListenerSock //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int createListenerSock( const struct in_addr &addr, const unsigned short lowPort, const unsigned short highPort, unsigned short &chosenPort) { // Check range validity if(lowPort < 1) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "lowPort must be greater than 0" ": lowPort=" << lowPort; throw ex; } if(highPort < 1) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "highPort must be greater than 0" ": highPort=" << lowPort; throw ex; } if(lowPort > highPort) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "lowPort must be less than or equal to highPort" ": lowPort=" << lowPort << " highPort=" << highPort; throw ex; } // Create a socket SmartFd sock(socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)); if(sock.get() < 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to create socket: " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } // Set the SO_REUSEADDR socket option before calling bind { int reuseaddrOptval = 1; if(0 > setsockopt(sock.get(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&reuseaddrOptval, sizeof(reuseaddrOptval))) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to set socket option" ": file-descriptor=" << sock.get() << " level=SOL_SOCKET" " optname=SO_REUSEADDR" " optval=" << reuseaddrOptval << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } } // Address structure to be used to bind the socket struct sockaddr_in address; // For each port in the range for(unsigned short port=lowPort; port<=highPort; ++port) { // Try to bind the socket to the port memset(&address, '\0', sizeof(address)); address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr = addr; address.sin_port = htons(port); const int bindRc = bind(sock.get(), (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)); const int bindErrno = errno; // If the bind was successful if(bindRc == 0) { // Record the port number of the succesful bind chosenPort = port; // Mark the socket as being a listener if(listen(sock.get(), LISTENBACKLOG) < 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to mark socket as being a listener" ": listenSocketFd=" << sock.get() << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } // Release and return the socket descriptor return(sock.release()); // Else the bind failed } else { // If the bind failed because the address was in use, then continue if(bindErrno == EADDRINUSE) { continue; // Else throw an exception } else { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to bind listener socket" ": listenSocketFd=" << sock.get() << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(bindErrno); throw ex; } } } // If this line is reached then all ports in the specified range are in use // Throw an exception cta::exception::NoPortInRange ex(lowPort, highPort); ex.getMessage() << "All ports within the specified range are in use" ": listenSocketFd=" << sock.get() << ": lowPort=" << lowPort << ": highPort=" << highPort; throw ex; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // createLocalhostListenerSockBoundToLocalhost //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int createLocalhostListenerSock(const unsigned short port) { const unsigned short lowPort = port; const unsigned short highPort = port; unsigned short chosenPort = 0; const char *addr = ""; struct in_addr networkAddress; const int rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &networkAddress); if(0 >= rc) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to create listener socket:" " Failed to convert string to network address: value=" << addr; throw ex; } return createListenerSock(networkAddress, lowPort, highPort, chosenPort); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // acceptConnection //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int acceptConnection(const int listenSocketFd) { // Throw an exception if listenSocketFd is invalid if(listenSocketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Invalid listen socket file-descriptor" ": listenSocketFd=" << listenSocketFd; throw ex; } struct sockaddr_in peerAddress; unsigned int peerAddressLen = sizeof(peerAddress); const int connectedSocketFd = accept(listenSocketFd, (struct sockaddr *)&peerAddress, &peerAddressLen); const int savedErrno = errno; if(connectedSocketFd < 0) { std::stringstream reason; reason << ": Accept failed" ": listenSocketFd=" << listenSocketFd; if(savedErrno == EINVAL) { reason << ": Socket is not listening for connections"; } else { reason << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(savedErrno); } cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << reason.str(); throw ex; } return connectedSocketFd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // acceptConnection //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int acceptConnection(const int listenSocketFd, const time_t timeout) { // Throw an exception if listenSocketFd is invalid if(listenSocketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "Invalid listen socket file-descriptor" ": listenSocketFd=" << listenSocketFd; throw ex; } const time_t startTime = time(nullptr); pollfd pollFd; pollFd.fd = listenSocketFd; pollFd.events = POLLIN; pollFd.revents = 0; const int pollRc = poll(&pollFd, 1, 1000 * timeout); const int pollErrno = errno; switch(pollRc) { case 0: // poll() timed out { cta::exception::TimeOut ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to accept connection: poll() timed out after " << timeout << " seconds whilst trying to accept a connection"; throw ex; } case -1: // poll() encountered an error // If poll() was interrupted if(pollErrno == EINTR) { const time_t remainingTime = timeout - (time(nullptr) - startTime); cta::exception::AcceptConnectionInterrupted ex(remainingTime); throw ex; } else { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to accept connection: poll() failed: " << cta::utils::errnoToString(pollErrno); throw ex; } default: // poll() found a file descriptor awaiting attention if(pollFd.revents & POLLERR) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to accept connection" ": POLLERR - Error condition"; if(pollFd.revents & POLLHUP) { ex.getMessage() << ": POLLHUP - Connection closed by peer"; } if(pollFd.revents & POLLNVAL) { ex.getMessage() << ": POLLNVAL - File descriptor not open"; } ex.getMessage() << ": pollFd.fd=" << pollFd.fd << ",pollFd.events=" << pollFd.events << ",pollFd.revents=" << pollFd.revents; throw ex; } if(!(pollFd.revents & POLLIN)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to accept connection " ": POLLIN event not set"; throw ex; } } struct sockaddr_in peerAddress; unsigned int peerAddressLen = sizeof(peerAddress); const int connectedSocketFd = accept(listenSocketFd, (struct sockaddr *)&peerAddress, &peerAddressLen); const int acceptErrno = errno; if(connectedSocketFd < 0) { std::stringstream reason; reason << "Failed to accept connection" ": listenSocketFd=" << listenSocketFd; if(acceptErrno == EINVAL) { reason << ": Socket is not listening for connections"; } else { reason << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(acceptErrno); } cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << reason.str(); throw ex; } return connectedSocketFd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // getSockIpPort //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mediachanger::IpAndPort getSockIpPort(const int socketFd) { // Throw an exception if socketFd is invalid if(socketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "Invalid socket file-descriptor" ": socketFd=" << socketFd; throw ex; } struct sockaddr_in address; memset(&address, '\0', sizeof(address)); socklen_t addressLen = sizeof(address); if(getsockname(socketFd, (struct sockaddr*)&address, &addressLen) < 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to get socket name: socketFd=" << socketFd << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } return IpAndPort(ntohl(address.sin_addr.s_addr), ntohs(address.sin_port)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // getPeerIpPort //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mediachanger::IpAndPort getPeerIpPort(const int socketFd) { // Throw an exception if socketFd is invalid if(socketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "Invalid socket file-descriptor" ": socketFd=" << socketFd; throw ex; } struct sockaddr_in address; memset(&address, '\0', sizeof(address)); socklen_t addressLen = sizeof(address); if(getpeername(socketFd, (struct sockaddr*)&address, &addressLen) < 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to get peer name: socketFd=" << socketFd << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } return IpAndPort(ntohl(address.sin_addr.s_addr), ntohs(address.sin_port)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // getSockHostName //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::string getSockHostName(const int socketFd) { // Throw an exception if socketFd is invalid if(socketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to get socket hostname" ": Invalid socket file-descriptor" ": socketFd=" << socketFd; throw ex; } struct sockaddr_in address; socklen_t addressLen = sizeof(address); if(getsockname(socketFd, (struct sockaddr*)&address, &addressLen) < 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to get socket hostname" ": socketFd=" << socketFd << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } char hostName[HOSTNAMEBUFLEN]; char serviceName[SERVICENAMEBUFLEN]; const int error = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr*)&address, addressLen, hostName, sizeof(hostName), serviceName, sizeof(serviceName), 0); if(error != 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to get host information by address" ": socketFd=" << socketFd << ": " << gai_strerror(error); throw ex; } return hostName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // getSockIpHostnamePort //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void getSockIpHostnamePort( const int socketFd, unsigned long &ip, char *const hostName, const size_t hostNameLen, unsigned short &port) { // Throw an exception if socketFd is invalid if(socketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "Invalid socket file-descriptor" ": socketFd=" << socketFd; throw ex; } struct sockaddr_in address; socklen_t addressLen = sizeof(address); if(getsockname(socketFd, (struct sockaddr*)&address, &addressLen) < 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to get socket name" ": socketFd=" << socketFd << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } ip = ntohl(address.sin_addr.s_addr); port = ntohs(address.sin_port); { char serviceName[SERVICENAMEBUFLEN]; const int rc = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr*)&address, addressLen, hostName, hostNameLen, serviceName, sizeof(serviceName), 0); if(rc != 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to get host information by address" ": socketFd=" << socketFd << ": " << gai_strerror(rc); throw ex; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // getPeerHostName //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::string getPeerHostName(const int socketFd) { // Throw an exception if socketFd is invalid if(socketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "Invalid socket file-descriptor" ": socketFd=" << socketFd; throw ex; } struct sockaddr_in address; socklen_t addressLen = sizeof(address); if(getpeername(socketFd, (struct sockaddr*)&address, &addressLen) < 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to get peer name" ": socketFd=" << socketFd << ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } { char hostName[HOSTNAMEBUFLEN]; char serviceName[SERVICENAMEBUFLEN]; const int rc = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr*)&address, addressLen, hostName, sizeof(hostName), serviceName, sizeof(serviceName), 0); if(rc != 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ": Failed to get host information by address" ": socketFd=" << socketFd << ": " << gai_strerror(rc); throw ex; } return hostName; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // writeIp //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void writeIp( std::ostream &os, const unsigned long ip) noexcept { os << ((ip >> 24) & 0x000000FF) << "." << ((ip >> 16) & 0x000000FF) << "." << ((ip >> 8) & 0x000000FF) << "." << ( ip & 0x000000FF); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // writeSockDescription //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void writeSockDescription( std::ostream &os, const int socketFd) { // Throw an exception if socketFd is invalid if(socketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "Invalid socket file-descriptor" ": socketFd=" << socketFd; throw ex; } IpAndPort localIpAndPort(0, 0); try { localIpAndPort = getSockIpPort(socketFd); } catch(cta::exception::Exception &e) { localIpAndPort.ip = 0; localIpAndPort.port = 0; } IpAndPort peerIpAndPort(0, 0); try { peerIpAndPort = getPeerIpPort(socketFd); } catch(cta::exception::Exception &e) { peerIpAndPort.ip = 0; peerIpAndPort.port = 0; } os << "{local="; writeIp(os, localIpAndPort.ip); os << ":" << localIpAndPort.port; os << ",peer="; writeIp(os, peerIpAndPort.ip); os << ":" << peerIpAndPort.port; os << "}"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // readBytes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void readBytes( const int socketFd, const int timeout, const int nbBytes, char *const buf) { // Throw an exception if socketFd is invalid if(socketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "In io::readBytes: Invalid socket file-descriptor" ": socketFd=" << socketFd; throw ex; } if (timeout < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "In io::readBytes: Invalid timeout value: " << timeout; throw ex; } cta::utils::Timer timer; size_t bytesRemaining = nbBytes; char * readPtr = buf; while (bytesRemaining > 0) { { struct ::pollfd pollDescr; pollDescr.fd = socketFd; pollDescr.events = POLLIN; pollDescr.revents = 0; int pollRet = poll(&pollDescr, 1, (timeout * 1000) - (timer.usecs()/1000)); cta::exception::Errnum::throwOnMinusOne(pollRet, "In io::readBytes: failed to poll socket"); if (!pollRet) throw cta::exception::Exception("In io::readBytes: timeout"); if (pollRet != 1) { std::stringstream err; err << "In io::readBytes: unexpected return value from poll: " << pollRet; throw cta::exception::Exception(err.str()); } } { int recvRet = recv(socketFd, readPtr, bytesRemaining, 0); cta::exception::Errnum::throwOnMinusOne(recvRet, "In io::readBytes: failed to receive data: "); if (recvRet > 0) { // We did read more data... readPtr += recvRet; bytesRemaining -= recvRet; } else if (0 == recvRet) { throw cta::exception::Exception("In io::readBytes: recv(): connection closed."); } else if (-1 == recvRet) { throw cta::exception::Errnum("In io::readBytes: error calling recv():"); } else { std::stringstream err; err << "In io::readBytes: unexpected return value from recv: " << recvRet; throw cta::exception::Exception(err.str()); } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // writeBytes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void writeBytes( const int socketFd, const int timeout, const int nbBytes, char *const buf) { // Throw an exception if socketFd is invalid if(socketFd < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "In io::writeBytes: Invalid socket file-descriptor" ": socketFd=" << socketFd; throw ex; } if (timeout < 0) { cta::exception::InvalidArgument ex; ex.getMessage() << "In io::writeBytes: Invalid timeout value: " << timeout; throw ex; } cta::utils::Timer timer; size_t bytesRemaining = nbBytes; char * writePtr = buf; while (bytesRemaining > 0) { { struct ::pollfd pollDescr; pollDescr.fd = socketFd; pollDescr.events = POLLOUT; pollDescr.revents = 0; int pollRet = poll(&pollDescr, 1, (timeout * 1000) - (timer.usecs()/1000)); cta::exception::Errnum::throwOnMinusOne(pollRet, "In io::writeBytes: failed to poll socket"); if (!pollRet) throw cta::exception::Exception("In io::writeBytes: timeout"); if (pollRet != 1) { std::stringstream err; err << "In io::writeBytes: unexpected return value from poll: " << pollRet; throw cta::exception::Exception(err.str()); } } { int sendRet = send(socketFd, writePtr, bytesRemaining, 0); cta::exception::Errnum::throwOnMinusOne(sendRet, "In io::writeBytes: failed to send data: "); if (sendRet > 0) { // We did read more data... writePtr += sendRet; bytesRemaining -= sendRet; } else { std::stringstream err; err << "In io::writeBytes: unexpected return value from send: " << sendRet; throw cta::exception::Exception(err.str()); } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // getAddrInfoErrorString // // Helper function used to know which string is associated with a specific errno // returned by getaddrinfo. This function is needed because the standard one // (gai_strerror) is not thread-safe on all systems. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static std::string getAddrInfoErrorString(const int rc) { switch(rc) { case EAI_BADFLAGS: return "Invalid value for `ai_flags' field."; case EAI_NONAME: return "NAME or SERVICE is unknown."; case EAI_AGAIN: return "Temporary failure in name resolution."; case EAI_FAIL: return "Non-recoverable failure in name res."; case EAI_NODATA: return "No address associated with NAME."; case EAI_FAMILY: return "`ai_family' not supported."; case EAI_SOCKTYPE: return "`ai_socktype' not supported."; case EAI_SERVICE: return "SERVICE not supported for `ai_socktype'."; case EAI_ADDRFAMILY: return "Address family for NAME not supported."; case EAI_MEMORY: return "Memory allocation failure."; case EAI_SYSTEM: return "System error returned in `errno'."; case EAI_OVERFLOW: return "Argument buffer overflow."; case EAI_INPROGRESS: return "Processing request in progress."; case EAI_CANCELED: return "Request canceled."; case EAI_NOTCANCELED: return "Request not canceled."; case EAI_ALLDONE: return "All requests done."; case EAI_INTR: return "Interrupted by a signal."; case EAI_IDN_ENCODE: return "IDN encoding failed."; default: return "Unknown error"; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // connectWithTimeout //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int connectWithTimeout(const std::string& hostName, const unsigned short port, const int timeout) { try { std::ostringstream portStream; portStream << port; struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, '\0', sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; struct addrinfo *res = nullptr; if(const int rc = getaddrinfo(hostName.c_str(), portStream.str().c_str(), &hints, &res); rc != 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "getaddrinfo() failed: " << getAddrInfoErrorString(rc); throw ex; } struct sockaddr_in s_in; if(AF_INET != res->ai_family or SOCK_STREAM != res->ai_socktype or sizeof(s_in) != res->ai_addrlen) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "getaddrinfo() bad result: either ai_family or ai_socktype or ai_addrlen are wrong"; freeaddrinfo(res); throw ex; } memcpy(&s_in, res->ai_addr, sizeof(s_in)); int protocol = res->ai_protocol; socklen_t length = res->ai_addrlen; freeaddrinfo(res); return connectWithTimeout(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, protocol, reinterpret_cast(&s_in), length, timeout); } catch(const cta::exception::Exception& ce) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << ce.getMessage().str() << ": hostName=" << hostName << ", port=" << port << ", timeout=" << timeout; throw ex; } catch(const std::exception& se) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << se.what() << ": hostName=" << hostName << ", port=" << port << ", timeout=" << timeout; throw ex; } catch(...) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to connect: Caught an unknown exception: hostName=" << hostName << ", port=" << port << ", timeout=" << timeout; throw ex; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // connectWithTimeout //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int connectWithTimeout( const int sockDomain, const int sockType, const int sockProtocol, const struct sockaddr *address, const socklen_t address_len, const int timeout) { // Create the socket for the new connection SmartFd smartSock(socket(sockDomain, sockType, sockProtocol)); if(-1 == smartSock.get()) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to create socket for new connection" ": Call to socket() failed: " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } // Get the orginal file-control flags of the socket const int orginalFileControlFlags = fcntl(smartSock.get(), F_GETFL, 0); if(-1 == orginalFileControlFlags) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to get the original file-control flags of the socket" ": Call to fcntl() failed: " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } // Set the O_NONBLOCK file-control flag of the socket if(-1 == fcntl(smartSock.get(), F_SETFL, orginalFileControlFlags | O_NONBLOCK)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to set the O_NONBLOCK file-control flag" ": Call to fcntl() failed: " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } // Start connecting const int connectRc = connect(smartSock.get(), address, address_len); const int connectErrno = errno; // If the connection completed immediately then restore the original // file-control flags of the socket and return it if(0 == connectRc) { if(-1 == fcntl(smartSock.get(), F_SETFL, orginalFileControlFlags)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to restore the file-control flags of the socket" ": " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } return smartSock.release(); } // Throw an exception if there was any other error than // "operation in progress" when trying to start to connect if(EINPROGRESS != connectErrno) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Call to connect() failed: " << cta::utils::errnoToString(connectErrno); throw ex; } pollfd pollFd; pollFd.fd = smartSock.get(); pollFd.events = POLLIN | POLLOUT; pollFd.revents = 0; // Wait for the connection to complete using poll() with a timeout const int pollRc = poll(&pollFd, 1, 1000 * timeout); if(-1 == pollRc) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Call to poll() failed: " << cta::utils::errnoToString(errno); throw ex; } // Throw a timed-out exception if poll() timed-out if(0 == pollRc) { cta::exception::TimeOut ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to connect" ": poll() timed out after " << timeout << " seconds"; throw ex; } if(pollFd.revents & POLLNVAL) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to connect" ": File descriptor " << pollFd.fd << " is not open"; throw ex; } // Use getsockopt() to check whether or not the connection completed // successfully // // Take into account the fact that if there is an error then Solaris will // return -1 and set errno, whereas BSD will return 0 and set sockoptError int sockoptError = 0; socklen_t sockoptErrorLen = sizeof(sockoptError); cta::exception::Errnum::throwOnMinusOne( getsockopt(smartSock.get(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &sockoptError, &sockoptErrorLen), "In io::connectWithTimeout: failed to getsockopt: "); if(0 != sockoptError) { // BSD cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "In io::connectWithTimeout: Connection did not complete successfully: " << cta::utils::errnoToString(sockoptError); throw ex; } // Restore the original file-control flags of the socket cta::exception::Errnum::throwOnMinusOne( fcntl(smartSock.get(), F_SETFL, orginalFileControlFlags), "In io::connectWithTimeout: failed to restore flags with fcntl: "); return smartSock.release(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // marshalUint8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t marshalUint8(const uint8_t src, char*& dst) { if(dst == nullptr) { throw exception::Exception("Failed to marshal uint8_t: Pointer to destination buffer is nullptr"); } *dst = src; dst += sizeof(src); return sizeof(src); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // marshalInt16 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t marshalInt16(const int16_t src, char*& dst) { if(dst == nullptr) { throw exception::Exception("Failed to marshal int16_t: Pointer to destination buffer is nullptr"); } const int16_t netByteOrder = htons(src); memcpy(dst, &netByteOrder, sizeof(src)); dst += sizeof(src); return sizeof(src); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // marshalUint16 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t marshalUint16(const uint16_t src, char*& dst) { if(dst == nullptr) { throw exception::Exception("Failed to marshal uint16_t: Pointer to destination buffer is nullptr"); } const uint16_t netByteOrder = htons(src); memcpy(dst, &netByteOrder, sizeof(src)); dst += sizeof(src); return sizeof(src); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // marshalInt32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t marshalInt32(const int32_t src, char*& dst) { if(dst == nullptr) { throw exception::Exception("Failed to marshal int32_t: Pointer to destination buffer is nullptr"); } const int32_t netByteOrder = htonl(src); memcpy(dst, &netByteOrder, sizeof(src)); dst += sizeof(src); return sizeof(src); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // marshalUint32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t marshalUint32(const uint32_t src, char*& dst) { if(dst == nullptr) { throw exception::Exception("Failed to marshal uint32_t: Pointer to destination buffer is nullptr"); } const uint32_t netByteOrder = htonl(src); memcpy(dst, &netByteOrder, sizeof(src)); dst += sizeof(src); return sizeof(src); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // marshalUint64 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t marshalUint64(const uint64_t src, char*& dst) { if(dst == nullptr) { throw exception::Exception("Failed to marshal uint64_t: Pointer to destination buffer is nullptr"); } // Be independent of the host's byte representation of a multi-byte integer by // determining the value of each byte to be marshalled using the left-shift // arithmetic-operator dst[0] = src >> 56 & 0xFF; dst[1] = src >> 48 & 0xFF; dst[2] = src >> 40 & 0xFF; dst[3] = src >> 32 & 0xFF; dst[4] = src >> 24 & 0xFF; dst[5] = src >> 16 & 0xFF; dst[6] = src >> 8 & 0xFF; dst[7] = src & 0xFF; dst += sizeof(src); return sizeof(src); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // marshalString //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void marshalString(const std::string& src, char*& dst, size_t& dstSize) { if(dst == nullptr) { throw exception::Exception("Failed to marshal string: Pointer to destination buffer is nullptr"); } if(src.size()+1 > dstSize) { throw exception::Exception("Failed to marshal string: Source string is too long"); } strcpy(dst, src.c_str()); dst += src.size()+1; dstSize -= src.size()+1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unmarshalUint8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void unmarshalUint8(const char * &src, size_t &srcLen, uint8_t &dst) { if(src == nullptr) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal uint8_t" ": Pointer to source buffer is nullptr"; throw ex; } if(srcLen < sizeof(dst)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal uint8_t" ": Source buffer length is too small: expected=" << sizeof(dst) << " actual=" << srcLen; throw ex; } dst = *src; src += sizeof(dst); srcLen -= sizeof(dst); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unmarshalInt16 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void unmarshalInt16(const char * &src, size_t &srcLen, int16_t &dst) { if(src == nullptr) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal int16_t" ": Pointer to source buffer is nullptr"; throw ex; } if(srcLen < sizeof(dst)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal int16_t" ": Source buffer length is too small: expected=" << sizeof(dst) << " actual=" << srcLen; throw ex; } int16_t netByteOrder = 0; memcpy(&netByteOrder, src, sizeof(dst)); dst = ntohs(netByteOrder); src += sizeof(dst); srcLen -= sizeof(dst); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unmarshalUint16 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void unmarshalUint16(const char * &src, size_t &srcLen, uint16_t &dst) { if(src == nullptr) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal uint16_t" ": Pointer to source buffer is nullptr"; throw ex; } if(srcLen < sizeof(dst)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal uint16_t" ": Source buffer length is too small: expected=" << sizeof(dst) << " actual=" << srcLen; throw ex; } uint16_t netByteOrder = 0; memcpy(&netByteOrder, src, sizeof(dst)); dst = ntohs(netByteOrder); src += sizeof(dst); srcLen -= sizeof(dst); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unmarshalUint32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void unmarshalUint32(const char * &src, size_t &srcLen, uint32_t &dst) { if(src == nullptr) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal uint32_t" ": Pointer to source buffer is nullptr"; throw ex; } if(srcLen < sizeof(dst)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal uint32_t" ": Source buffer length is too small: expected=" << sizeof(dst) << " actual=" << srcLen; throw ex; } uint32_t netByteOrder = 0; memcpy(&netByteOrder, src, sizeof(dst)); dst = ntohl(netByteOrder); src += sizeof(dst); srcLen -= sizeof(dst); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unmarshalInt32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void unmarshalInt32(const char * &src, size_t &srcLen, int32_t &dst) { if(src == nullptr) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal int32_t" ": Pointer to source buffer is nullptr"; throw ex; } if(srcLen < sizeof(dst)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal int32_t" ": Source buffer length is too small: expected=" << sizeof(dst) << " actual=" << srcLen; throw ex; } int32_t netByteOrder = 0; memcpy(&netByteOrder, src, sizeof(dst)); dst = ntohl(netByteOrder); src += sizeof(dst); srcLen -= sizeof(dst); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unmarshalUint64 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void unmarshalUint64(const char * &src, size_t &srcLen, uint64_t &dst) { if(src == nullptr) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal uint64_t" ": Pointer to source buffer is nullptr"; throw ex; } if(srcLen < sizeof(dst)) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal uint64_t" ": Source buffer length is too small: expected=" << sizeof(dst) << " actual=" << srcLen; throw ex; } dst = ((uint64_t)src[0] << 56) & 0xFF00000000000000ULL; dst |= ((uint64_t)src[1] << 48) & 0x00FF000000000000ULL; dst |= ((uint64_t)src[2] << 40) & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL; dst |= ((uint64_t)src[3] << 32) & 0x000000FF00000000ULL; dst |= ((uint64_t)src[4] << 24) & 0x00000000FF000000ULL; dst |= ((uint64_t)src[5] << 16) & 0x0000000000FF0000ULL; dst |= ((uint64_t)src[6] << 8) & 0x000000000000FF00ULL; dst |= (uint64_t)src[7] & 0x00000000000000FFULL; src += sizeof(dst); srcLen -= sizeof(dst); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unmarshalString //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void unmarshalString(const char*& src, size_t& srcLen, char* dst, const size_t dstLen) { if(src == nullptr) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal string" ": Pointer to source buffer is nullptr"; throw ex; } if(srcLen == 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal string" ": Source buffer length is 0"; throw ex; } if(dst == nullptr) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal string" ": Pointer to destination buffer is nullptr"; throw ex; } if(dstLen == 0) { cta::exception::Exception ex; ex.getMessage() << "Failed to unmarshal string" ": Destination buffer length is 0"; throw ex; } // Calculate the maximum number of bytes that could be unmarshalled size_t maxlen = 0; if(srcLen < dstLen) { maxlen = srcLen; } else { maxlen = dstLen; } bool strTerminatorReached = false; // While there are potential bytes to copy and the string terminator has not // been reached for(size_t i=0; i