/* * @project The CERN Tape Archive (CTA) * @copyright Copyright © 2021-2023 CERN * @license This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". You can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL Version 3, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or * submit itself to any jurisdiction. */ #include "CtaAdminGrpcCmd.hpp" #include "AsyncClient.hpp" #include "ClientTapeLsRequestHandler.hpp" #include "KerberosAuthenticator.hpp" #include "ClientNegotiationRequestHandler.hpp" #include "utils.hpp" #include "cmdline/CtaAdminTextFormatter.hpp" #include "catalogue/CatalogueFactoryFactory.hpp" #include "common/log/FileLogger.hpp" #include "common/log/LogLevel.hpp" #include "common/log/StdoutLogger.hpp" #include "common/log/SyslogLogger.hpp" #include "common/log/Logger.hpp" #include "common/log/LogContext.hpp" #include "common/utils/utils.hpp" #include "common/exception/Exception.hpp" #include "XrdSsiPbException.hpp" #include "version.h" #include #include std::atomic cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::m_abIsJson(false); std::string tp_config_file = "/etc/cta/TPCONFIG"; /* * Convert AdminCmd pair to an integer so that it can be used in a switch statement */ constexpr unsigned int cmd_pair(cta::admin::AdminCmd::Cmd cmd, cta::admin::AdminCmd::SubCmd subcmd) { return (cmd << 16) + subcmd; } cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::CtaAdminGrpcCmd(int argc, char** argv) : m_strExecname(argv[0]) { auto &admincmd = *(m_request.mutable_admincmd()); m_request.set_client_version(CTA_VERSION); m_request.set_client_protobuf_version(XROOTD_SSI_PROTOBUF_INTERFACE_VERSION); // Strip path from execname size_t p = m_strExecname.find_last_of('/'); if(p != std::string::npos) m_strExecname.erase(0, p+1); // Parse the command cta::admin::cmdLookup_t::const_iterator cmd_it; // Client-side only options int argno = 1; if(argc <= argno) throwUsage(); if(std::string(argv[argno]) == "--json") { CtaAdminGrpcCmd::m_abIsJson = true; ++argno; } // Commands, subcommands and server-side options if(argc <= argno || (cmd_it = cta::admin::cmdLookup.find(argv[argno++])) == cta::admin::cmdLookup.end()) { throwUsage(); } else { admincmd.set_cmd(cmd_it->second); } // Help is a special subcommand which suppresses errors and prints usage if(argc > argno && std::string(argv[argno]) == "help") { throwUsage(); } // Parse the subcommand bool has_subcommand = cta::admin::cmdHelp.at(admincmd.cmd()).has_subcommand(); if(has_subcommand) { cta::admin::subcmdLookup_t::const_iterator subcmd_it; if(argc <= argno) { throwUsage("Missing subcommand"); } else if((subcmd_it = cta::admin::subcmdLookup.find(argv[argno])) == cta::admin::subcmdLookup.end()) { throwUsage(std::string("Invalid subcommand: ") + argv[argno]); } else { admincmd.set_subcmd(subcmd_it->second); } } // Parse the options auto option_list_it = cta::admin::cmdOptions.find(cta::admin::cmd_key_t{ admincmd.cmd(), admincmd.subcmd() }); if(option_list_it == cta::admin::cmdOptions.end()) { throwUsage(std::string("Invalid subcommand: ") + argv[argno]); } parseOptions(has_subcommand ? argno+1 : argno, argc, argv, option_list_it->second); } void cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::exe(cta::log::Logger& log, const std::string& strSslRoot, const std::string& strSslKey, const std::string& strSslCert, const std::string& strGrpcHost, const unsigned int& uiGrpcPort) { cta::log::LogContext lc(log); // cta::admin::validateCmd(m_request.admincmd()); // gRPC stream server const std::string GRPC_SERVER {strGrpcHost + ":" + std::to_string(uiGrpcPort)}; // Service name const std::string GSS_SPN {"grpc/" + strGrpcHost}; // Common text formatter for commands output cta::admin::TextFormatter textFormatter {1000}; // Storage for the KRB token std::string strToken {""}; // Encoded token to be send as part of metadata std::string strEncodedToken {""}; // Create a default SSL ChannelCredentials std::shared_ptr<::grpc::ChannelCredentials> spChannelCreds = ::grpc::SslCredentials({strSslRoot, strSslKey, strSslCert}); // Create a channel to the KRB-GSI negotiation service std::shared_ptr<::grpc::Channel> spChannelNegotiation {::grpc::CreateChannel(GRPC_SERVER, spChannelCreds)}; cta::frontend::grpc::client::AsyncClient clientNeg(log, spChannelNegotiation); try { strToken = clientNeg.exe(GSS_SPN)->token(); /* * TODO: ??? * Move encoder to client::NegotiationRequestHandler * or server::NegotiationRequestHandler * or KerberosAuthenticator * ??? */ grpc::utils::encode(strToken, strEncodedToken); } catch(const cta::exception::Exception& e) { /* * In case of any problems with the negotiation service, * log and stop the execution */ lc.log(cta::log::CRIT, "In cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::exe(): Problem with the negotiation service."); throw; // rethrow } /* * Proceed with the request */ // Map the to a method switch(cmd_pair(m_request.admincmd().cmd(), m_request.admincmd().subcmd())) { case cmd_pair(cta::admin::AdminCmd::CMD_TAPE, cta::admin::AdminCmd::SUBCMD_LS): try { /* * Channel arguments can be overriden e.g: * ::grpc::ChannelArguments channelArgs;ClientContext * channelArgs.SetString(GRPC_SSL_TARGET_NAME_OVERRIDE_ARG, "ok.org"); * std::shared_ptr<::grpc::Channel> spChannel {::grpc::CreateCustomChannel("", spCredentials, channelArgs)}; */ //--- ref: https://grpc.io/docs/guides/auth/#credential-types /* * Credentials can be of two types: * - Channel credentials, which are attached to a Channel, such as SSL credentials. * - Call credentials, which are attached to a call (or ClientContext in C++). * CompositeChannelCredentials associates a ChannelCredentials and a CallCredentials * to create a new ChannelCredentials */ /* * Individual CallCredentials can also be composed using CompositeCallCredentials. * The resulting CallCredentials when used in a call will trigger the sending of * the authentication data associated with the two CallCredentials. * !!! It dose not work with InsecureChannelCredentials !!! */ //--- /* * Call credentails can be set manually in a client's conspCallCredentialstext * e.g.: * m_ctx.set_credentials(spCallCredentials); */ std::shared_ptr<::grpc::CallCredentials> spCallCredentials = ::grpc::MetadataCredentialsFromPlugin(std::unique_ptr<::grpc::MetadataCredentialsPlugin>( new KerberosAuthenticator(strEncodedToken))); std::shared_ptr<::grpc::ChannelCredentials> spCompositeCredentials = ::grpc::CompositeChannelCredentials(spChannelCreds, spCallCredentials); std::shared_ptr<::grpc::Channel> spChannel {::grpc::CreateChannel(GRPC_SERVER, spCompositeCredentials)}; cta::frontend::grpc::client::AsyncClient client(log, spChannel); // Execute the TapeLs command client.exe(textFormatter, m_request); } catch(const cta::exception::Exception& e) { lc.log(cta::log::CRIT, "In cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::exe(): Problem with the execution of the tape ls command."); throw; // rethrow } break; default: throw XrdSsiPb::PbException( "Admin command pair <" + cta::admin::AdminCmd_Cmd_Name(m_request.admincmd().cmd()) + ", " + cta::admin::AdminCmd_SubCmd_Name(m_request.admincmd().subcmd()) + "> is not implemented." ); } } void cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::parseOptions(int start, int argc, char** argv, const cta::admin::cmd_val_t& options) { for(int i = start; i < argc; ++i) { int opt_num = i-start; cta::admin::cmd_val_t::const_iterator opt_it; // Scan options for a match for(opt_it = options.begin(); opt_it != options.end(); ++opt_it) { // Special case of OPT_CMD type has an implicit key if(opt_num-- == 0 && opt_it->get_type() == cta::admin::Option::OPT_CMD) break; if(*opt_it == argv[i]) break; } if(opt_it == options.end()) { throwUsage(std::string("Invalid option: ") + argv[i]); } if((i += opt_it->num_params()) == argc) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string(argv[i-1]) + " expects a parameter: " + opt_it->help()); } addOption(*opt_it, argv[i]); } } void cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::addOption(const cta::admin::Option& option, const std::string& strValue) { auto admincmd_ptr = m_request.mutable_admincmd(); switch(option.get_type()) { case cta::admin::Option::OPT_CMD: case cta::admin::Option::OPT_STR: { auto key = cta::admin::strOptions.at(option.get_key()); auto new_opt = admincmd_ptr->add_option_str(); new_opt->set_key(key); if (option == cta::admin::opt_drivename_cmd && strValue == "first") { new_opt->set_value(getDriveFromTpConfig()); } else { new_opt->set_value(strValue); } break; } case cta::admin::Option::OPT_STR_LIST: { auto key = cta::admin::strListOptions.at(option.get_key()); auto new_opt = admincmd_ptr->add_option_str_list(); new_opt->set_key(key); readListFromFile(*new_opt, strValue); break; } case cta::admin::Option::OPT_FLAG: case cta::admin::Option::OPT_BOOL: { auto key = cta::admin::boolOptions.at(option.get_key()); auto new_opt = admincmd_ptr->add_option_bool(); new_opt->set_key(key); if(option.get_type() == cta::admin::Option::OPT_FLAG || strValue == "true") { new_opt->set_value(true); } else if(strValue == "false") { new_opt->set_value(false); } else { throw std::runtime_error(strValue + " is not a boolean value: " + option.help()); } break; } case cta::admin::Option::OPT_UINT: try { auto key = cta::admin::uint64Options.at(option.get_key()); int64_t val_int = std::stol(strValue); if(val_int < 0) throw std::out_of_range("value is negative"); auto new_opt = admincmd_ptr->add_option_uint64(); new_opt->set_key(key); new_opt->set_value(val_int); break; } catch(std::invalid_argument &) { throw std::runtime_error(strValue + " is not a valid uint64: " + option.help()); } catch(std::out_of_range &) { throw std::runtime_error(strValue + " is out of range: " + option.help()); } } } std::string cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::getDriveFromTpConfig() { std::ifstream file(tp_config_file); if (file.fail()) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open file " + tp_config_file); } std::string line; while(std::getline(file, line)) { // Strip out comments auto pos = line.find('#'); if(pos != std::string::npos) { line.resize(pos); } // Extract the list items std::stringstream ss(line); while(!ss.eof()) { std::string item; ss >> item; // skip blank lines or lines consisting only of whitespace if(item.empty()) continue; std::string drivename = item.substr(0, item.find(" ")); // first word of line return drivename; } } throw std::runtime_error("File " + tp_config_file + " is empty"); } void cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::readListFromFile(cta::admin::OptionStrList &str_list, const std::string &filename) { std::ifstream file(filename); if (file.fail()) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open file " + filename); } std::string line; while(std::getline(file, line)) { // Strip out comments auto pos = line.find('#'); if(pos != std::string::npos) { line.resize(pos); } // Extract the list items std::stringstream ss(line); while(!ss.eof()) { std::string item; ss >> item; // skip blank lines or lines consisting only of whitespace if(item.empty()) continue; if(str_list.key() == cta::admin::OptionStrList::FILE_ID) { // Special handling for file id lists. The output from "eos find --fid /path" is: // path=/path fid= // We discard everything except the list of fids. is a zero-padded hexadecimal number, // but in the CTA catalogue we store disk IDs as a decimal string, so we need to convert it. if(item.substr(0, 4) == "fid=") { auto fid = strtol(item.substr(4).c_str(), nullptr, 16); if(fid < 1 || fid == LONG_MAX) { throw std::runtime_error(item + " is not a valid file ID"); } str_list.add_item(std::to_string(fid)); } else { continue; } } else { // default case: add all items str_list.add_item(item); } } } } void cta::frontend::grpc::client::CtaAdminGrpcCmd::throwUsage(const std::string &strError) const { std::stringstream help; const auto &admincmd = m_request.admincmd().cmd(); if(strError != "") { help << strError << std::endl; } if(admincmd == cta::admin::AdminCmd::CMD_NONE) { // Command has not been set: show generic help help << "CTA Administration Tool" << std::endl << std::endl << "Usage: " << m_strExecname << " [--json] [ [