 * @project      The CERN Tape Archive (CTA)
 * @copyright    Copyright © 2021-2022 CERN
 * @license      This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
 *               Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". You can
 *               redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL Version 3, or (at your
 *               option) any later version.
 *               This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 *               WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 *               PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 *               In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
 *               granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or
 *               submit itself to any jurisdiction.

#pragma once

#include "common/log/Constants.hpp"
#include "common/log/Param.hpp"

// The header file for atomic was is actually called cstdatomic in gcc 4.4
#if __GNUC__ == 4 && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 4)
    #include <cstdatomic>
  #include <atomic>

#include <list>
#include <map>

namespace cta::log {

 * Abstract class representing the API of the CTA logging system
 * The intended way to use the CTA logging API is as follows:
 * 1. Keep a reference to a Logger object, for example:
 * \code{.cpp}
 * class MyClassThatWillLog {
 * protected:
 *   Logger & m_log;
 * public:
 *   MyClassThatWillLog(Logger &log): m_log(log) {
 *     ....
 *   }
 * }
 * \endcode
 * 2. To log a message, use the reference to the Logger object like a function.
 *    In other words the Logger object implements operator() and therefore
 *    behaves like a functor:
 * \code{.cpp}
 * void MyClassThatWillLog::aMethodThatWillLog() {
 *   ....
 *   m_log(cta::log::INFO, "My log message");
 *   ....
 * }
 * \endcode
 * The Logger object implements operator() in order to avoid the following long
 * winded syntax (which does not work by the way, so please do NOT copy and
 * paste the following example):
 * \code{.cpp}
 * m_log.logMsg(cta::log::INFO, "My log message");
 * \endcode
class Logger {

   * Constructor
   * @param hostName The name of the host to be prepended to every log
   * @param programName The name of the program to be prepended to every log
   * @param logMask The log mask.
   * message.
  Logger(std::string_view hostName, std::string_view programName, const int logMask);

   * Destructor.
  virtual ~Logger() = 0;

   * Prepares the logger object for a call to fork().
   * No further calls to operator() should be made after calling this
   * method until the call to fork() has completed.
  virtual void prepareForFork() = 0;

   * Returns the name of the program.
  const std::string &getProgramName() const;

   * Writes a message into the CTA logging system. Note that no exception
   * will ever be thrown in case of failure. Failures will actually be
   * silently ignored in order to not impact the processing.
   * Note that this version of operator() implicitly uses the current time as
   * the time stamp of the message.
   * @param priority the priority of the message as defined by the syslog API.
   * @param msg the message.
   * @param params optional parameters of the message.
  virtual void operator() (int priority, std::string_view msg, const std::list<Param>& params = std::list<Param>());

   * Sets the log mask.
   * @param logMask The log mask.
  void setLogMask(std::string_view logMask);

   * Sets the log mask.
   * @param logMask The log mask.
  void setLogMask(const int logMask);

   * Creates a clean version of the specified string ready for use with syslog.
   * @param s The string to be cleaned.
   * @param replaceUnderscores Set to true if spaces should be replaced by
   * underscores.
   * @return A cleaned version of the string.
  static std::string cleanString(const std::string &s,
    const bool replaceUnderscores);

   * The name of the host to be prepended to every log message.
  const std::string m_hostName;

   * The name of the program to be prepended to every log message.
  const std::string m_programName;
   * Writes the specified msg to the underlying logging system.
   * This method is to be implemented by concrete sub-classes of the Logger
   * class.
   * Please note it is the responsibility of a concrete sub-class to decide
   * whether or not to use the specified log message header.  For example, the
   * SysLogLogger sub-class does not use the header.  Instead it relies on
   * rsyslog to provide a header.
   * @param header The header of the message to be logged.  It is the
   * esponsibility of the concrete sub-class 
   * @param body The body of the message to be logged.
  virtual void writeMsgToUnderlyingLoggingSystem(std::string_view header, std::string_view body) = 0;

   * The log mask.
  std::atomic<int> m_logMask;

   * Map from syslog integer priority to textual representation.
  const std::map<int, std::string> m_priorityToText;

   * Map from the possible string values of the LogMask parameters and
   * their equivalent syslog priorities.
  const std::map<std::string, int> m_configTextToPriority;
   * Generates and returns the mapping between syslog priorities and their
   * textual representations.
  static std::map<int, std::string> generatePriorityToTextMap();

   * Generates and returns the mapping between the possible string values
   * of the LogMask parameters their equivalent syslog priorities.
  static std::map<std::string, int> generateConfigTextToPriorityMap();


   * Creates and returns the header of a log message.
   * Concrete subclasses of the Logger class can decide whether or not to use
   * message headers created by this method.  The SysLogger sub-class for example
   * relies on rsyslog to provide message headers and therefore does not call
   * this method.
   * @param timeStamp The time stamp of the message.
   * @param hostName The name of the host.
   * @param programName the program name of the log message.
   * @param pid The process ID of the process logging the message.
   * @return The message header.
  static std::string createMsgHeader(
    const struct timeval &timeStamp,
    std::string_view hostName,
    std::string_view programName,
    const int pid);

   * Creates and returns the body of a log message
   * @param msg         the message
   * @param params      the parameters of the message
   * @param rawParams   preprocessed parameters of the message
   * @param programName the program name of the log message
   * @param pid         the pid of the log message
   * @return the message body
  static std::string createMsgBody(std::string_view priorityText, std::string_view msg,
    const std::list<Param> &params, std::string_view rawParams, int pid);

} // namespace cta::log