#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$ID = q$Id: faq2html,v 1.36 2021/03/28 02:28:50 eagle Exp $;
# faq2html -- Convert some particular text formats into XHTML.
# Copyright 1999-2002, 2004-2005, 2008, 2010, 2013-2014, 2021
#     Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# This program is an ad hoc set of heuristics and tricks, attempting to
# convert a few text file formats that I commonly use into reasonable XHTML.
# It's my opinion that general text to XHTML conversions is impossible due to
# the huge number of differing formats used by different people when writing
# text; this doesn't try to solve the general problem.  Rather, it's good
# enough to turn the FAQs I maintain into XHTML documents, which is all that I
# need of it.

# Modules and declarations

require 5.003;

use strict;

use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);

# Replace with the month names you want to use, if you don't want English.
@MONTHS = qw(January February March April May June July August September
             October November December);

# Utility functions

# Turns section numbers at the beginning of lines in a paragraph into links.
sub contents {
    local $_ = shift;
    s%^(\s*([\d.]+)[.\)]\s+)(.*?)([ \t]*\n)%$1<a href="#S$2">$3</a>$4%gm;

# Removes an initial bullet on a paragraph, replacing it with spaces.
sub debullet { local $_ = shift; s/(\s*)[-*o](\s)/$1 $2/; $_ }

# Unescape &, <, and > characters.
sub deescape { local $_ = shift; s/&gt;/>/g; s/&lt;/</g; s/&amp;/&/g; $_ }

# Removes an initial number on a paragraph, replacing it with spaces.
sub denumber {
    local $_ = shift;
    s/^(\s*)(\d\d?[.\)])(\s)/$1 . ' ' x length ($2) . $3/e;

# Remove ASCII underlining from a section heading.
sub derule { local $_ = shift; s/^[-=~]+\n//m; $_ }

# Turns *some text* into <strong>some text</strong>, while trying to be
# careful to avoid other uses of wildcards.
sub embolden {
    local $_ = shift;

# Escapes &, <, and > characters found in a string.
sub escape { local $_ = shift; s/&/&amp;/g; s/</&lt;/g; s/>/&gt;/g; $_ }

# Returns the length of the indentation of a line or paragraph.
sub indent { $_[0] =~ /^(\s*)/; length $1 }

# Returns the number of lines in a paragraph, not counting trailing blanks.
sub lines { local $_ = shift; s/\s+$/\n/; tr/\n// }

# Returns a nicely formatted "Last modified" string from an RCS/CVS Id.
sub modified_id {
    my $id = shift;
    my ($version, $date) = (split (' ', $id))[2,3];
    my ($year, $month, $day) = split (m%[/-]%, $date);
    $day =~ s/^0//;
    my $revision = ($version =~ /\./) ? " (revision $version)" : '';
    'Last modified '. $MONTHS[$month - 1] . ' ' . $day . ', ' . $year
        . $revision;

# The same, but from a UNIX timestamp.
sub modified_timestamp {
    my $timestamp = shift;
    my ($year, $month, $day) = (localtime $timestamp)[5, 4, 3];
    $year += 1900;
    'Last modified ' . $MONTHS[$month] . ' ' . $day . ', ' . $year;

# Output some text to the $OUT file handle, adding any preserved whitespace
# from before first, but after any closing tags.
sub output {
    local $_ = shift;
    if ($WS) {
        $WS = '';
    print $OUT $_, @_;

# Read a paragraph in from $IN.  If no argument is given or the argument is
# false, lines with nothing but whitespace are paragraph dividers; otherwise,
# only a completely blank line is a divider.  Use $BUFFER to store the
# unwanted next line.
sub slurp {
    my $ws = shift;
    my $p;
    local $_;
    $p = $BUFFER || '';
    $p .= $_ while (defined ($_ = <$IN>) && ($ws ? !/^$/ : /\S/));
    $p .= $_ if defined;
    $p .= $_ while (defined ($_ = <$IN>) && /^\s*$/);
    $BUFFER = $_;

# Remove all whitespace in a string.
sub smash { local $_ = shift; s/\s//g; $_ }

# Strip a number of characters of indentation from a line that's given by the
# second argument, returning the result.  Used to strip leading indentation
# off of <pre> text so that it isn't indented excessively just because in the
# text version it had to be indented relative to the surrounding text.
sub strip_indent {
    local $_ = shift;
    my $indent = shift;
    if (defined $indent && $indent > 0) {
        s/^ {$indent}//gm;

# Undoes HTML character escapes.
sub unescape { local $_ = shift; s/&amp;/&/g; s/&lt;/</g; s/&gt;/>/g; $_ }

# Remove a constant prefix at the beginning of each line of a paragraph.
sub unquote {
    my ($string, $quote) = @_;
    $string =~ s/((?:^|\n)\s*)(\Q$quote\E\s+)/$1 . ' ' x length ($2)/ge;

# Replace tabs with spaces.
sub untabify {
    local $_ = shift;
    1 while s/^(.*?)(\t+)/' ' x (length ($2) * 8 - length ($1) % 8)/me;

# Given a special-character-escaped URL, wrap <a href></a> to that URL around
# it.  Remove a leading mailto: in the link text.
sub url {
    my $link = shift;
    my $text = $link;
    $link = smash (unescape $link);
    $text =~ s/^(?:mailto|news)://;
    '&lt;<a href="' . $link . '">' . $text . '</a>&gt;';

# Looks for a URL in <URL:...> form, with or without the URL: part, and wraps
# a link around it.
sub urlize {
    my $text = shift;
    $text =~ s%&lt;(?:URL:)?([a-z]{2,}:.+?)&gt;%url ($1)%ge;

# Remove whitespace at the beginning and end of a string.
sub whitechomp { local $_ = shift; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_ }

# Identification functions

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it is composed entirely of bullet
# items.  Take some care to avoid returning true for paragraphs that consist
# of a single bullet entry, since we want to handle those separately to wrap
# them in paragraph tags.
sub is_allbullet {
    local $_ = shift;
    my @lines = split ("\n", $_);
    return if not $lines[0] =~ /^(\s*[-*o]\s)\S/;
    my $bullet  = $1;
    my $space   = $bullet;
    $space =~ s/[-*o]/ /;
    my $bullets = 0;
    for (@lines) {
        next if !/\S/;
        return if !/^(?:\Q$bullet\E|\Q$space\E)\S/;
        $bullets++ if /^\Q$bullet\E/;
    return $bullets > 1;

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether every line is a numbered item with a
# simple number.
sub is_allnumbered { $_[0] =~ /^(\s*\d\d?[.\)]\s.*\n){2,}\s*$/ }

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it's in all capital letters.
sub is_allcaps { $_[0] !~ m%[^A-Z0-9\s\"\(\),:.!/?-]% }

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it looks like it's broken into a series
# of short lines or a series of lines without internal space.  The last line
# of the paragraph doesn't matter for this determination.
sub is_broken {
    local $_ = shift;
    my @lines = split ("\n", $_);
    return if @lines == 1;
    pop @lines;
    return 1 if grep { length ($_) < 40 } @lines;
    my $short = grep { length ($_) < 60 } @lines;
    ($short >= int (@lines / 2) + 1) || /^(?:\s*\S+[ \t]*\n)+$/;

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it's a bulletted item.
sub is_bullet { $_[0] =~ /^\s*[-*o]\s/ }

# Expects a line, returns whether it's centered (in 74 columns).  Also require
# at least 10 spaces of whitespace so that we don't catch accidentally
# centered paragraph lines by mistake.
sub is_centered {
    $_[0] =~ /^(\s+)(.+)/
        && abs (74 - length ($2) - length ($1) * 2) < 2
        && length (untabify $1) >= 8;

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it looks like a content listing.
sub is_contents { $_[0] =~ /^(?:\s*[\d.]+[.\)][ \t].*\n)+\s*$/ }

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it looks like a title and description.
# Allow for multiple titles.
sub is_description {
    $_[0] =~ /^(\s*)\S.*\n(?:\1\S.*\n)*(\s+)\S.*\n(?:\2\S.*\n)*\s*$/
        && length ($1) < length ($2);

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it's a digest divider.
sub is_divider { $_[0] =~ /^-{30}\s*$/ }

# Expects a line, returns whether it's a mail/news header.
sub is_header { $_[0] =~ /^[\w-]+:\s/ }

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it's a heading.  This is all about
# heuristics and guesses, and there are a number of other things we could
# confuse for headings, so we have to be careful.  If it's a single line and
# outdented from the baseline, it's probably a heading.  If it's at the
# baseline, check to see if it looks like a heading and either it's in all
# caps or there is a rule underneath it.  If we haven't seen a baseline, be
# more accepting about headers.  If we're inside a contents block, be even
# more careful and disallow numbered things that look like a heading unless
# they're outdented.
sub is_heading {
    local $_ = deescape (shift);
    my $indent = indent $_;
    my $nobase = !defined $STATE{baseline};
    my $outdented = defined ($STATE{baseline}) && $indent < $STATE{baseline};
    return if (!$outdented && $STATE{contents} && /^[\d.]+[.\)]\s/);
    my $even = !defined ($INDENT) || $indent <= $INDENT;
    ($outdented && lines ($_) == 1 && (/\S\s\S/ || length ($_) < 30))
        || ($even && m%^\s*[ \w\"\(\),:./&-]{0,30}[\w\"\)]\s*\n[-=~]+\s*$%)
        || ($even && m%^\s*[ A-Z0-9\"\(\),:./&-]{0,30}[A-Z0-9\"\)]\s*\n$%)
        || ($even && $nobase && m%^\s*[ \w\"\(\),:./&-]{0,33}[\w\"\)]\s*\n$%);

# Expects a line, returns whether it's an RCS/CVS Id string that has been
# correctly expanded.
sub is_id { $_[0] =~ /^\s*\$Id\: .*\$\s*$/ }

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it appears to have internal whitespace.
sub is_literal { $_[0] =~ /^[ \t]*\S.*(?:[^.?!\"\)\]:*_\n]  |   |\t)\S/m }

# Expects a paragraph, returns undef if it doesn't look like a numbered
# paragraph or the number if it does.
sub is_numbered { ($_[0] =~ /^\s*(\d\d?)[.\)]\s/) ? $1 : undef }

# Expects a paragraph, returns true if the paragraph has inconsistent
# indentation.
sub is_offset {
    local $_ = shift;

    # Strip off a leading bullet or number and consider it whitespace in
    # making this check.
    s/^(\s*(?:\d\d?)[.\)]\s)/' ' x length ($1)/e;
    s/^(\s*[-*o]\s)/' ' x length ($1)/e;

    # Now, return true if the indentation isn't consistent.

# Expects a paragraph, returns undef if not quoted or the quote character if
# it is quoted.  Requires that the paragraph be at least two lines.
sub is_quoted { $_[0] =~ /^\s*([^\w\s\"\'])\s*.*\n(\s*\1\s*.*\n)+$/ && $1 }

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it's a rule.
sub is_rule { $_[0] =~ /^\s*[-=][-=\s]*$/ }

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it ends with a sentence.  As a special
# case, a URL counts as a sentence so that we don't wrap <pre> around URLs.
sub is_url;
sub is_sentence {
    local $_ = shift;
    return 1 if /\S[.?!][\)\]\"]?\s*$/;
    return 1 if /^\s*\w.*\s\S+:\s*$/;
    return 1 if is_url $_;

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it's the start of a signature block,
# defined to be a paragraph whose first line is exactly "-- ".
sub is_signature { $_[0] =~ /^-- \n/ }

# Expects a paragraph, returns whether it's a simple intented URL (already
# converted into a real link.
sub is_url { $_[0] =~ m%^\s*&lt;<a href.+>\S+</a>&gt;\s*$% }

# HTML constructors

# Output the DTD for XHTML.  We claim "transitional" XHTML 1.0 compliance; we
# can't claim strict solely because we use the value attribute in <li> in the
# absence of widespread implementation of CSS Level 2.
sub dtd {
    if ($USEVALUE) {
        qq(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n)
            . qq(<!DOCTYPE html\n    )
            . qq(PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"\n    )
            . qq("http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">)
            . "\n";
    } else {
        qq(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n)
            . qq(<!DOCTYPE html\n    )
            . qq(PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"\n    )
            . qq("http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">)
            . "\n";

# An XML comment.
sub comment {
    my @data = @_;
    my $data = join ('', @data);
    '<!-- ' . $data . ' -->';

# The character set for the page; we assume UTF-8 for all pages.
sub charset {
    qq(<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;)
        . qq( charset=utf-8" />);

# A link to a CSS style sheet.
sub style {
    my $style = shift;
    qq(<link rel="stylesheet" href="$style" type="text/css" />);

# The initial <html> tag, which is a bit complicated for XHTML.  Assume
# English output.
sub html {
    qq(<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">);

# Wrap a container around data, keeping the tags on the same line.
sub container {
    my ($tag, @data) = @_;
    my $data = join ('', @data);
    $data = '<' . $tag . '>' . $data;
    $tag =~ s/ .*//;
    $data =~ s%(\s*)$%</$tag>$1%;

# Output a list item.  Takes the indentation, the item, and an optional third
# argument, which if specified is the number to use for the item (using the
# value attribute, which for some reason is deprecated under HTML 4.0 without
# any viable alternative for what I use it for).
sub li {
    my ($indent, $data, $value) = @_;
    $indent = 0 unless defined $indent;
    my $output = '';
    if (@INDENT && $INDENT[0][0] eq 'li') {
        $output .= "</li>\n";
        shift @INDENT;
    unshift (@INDENT, [ 'li', $indent ]);
    undef $value unless $USEVALUE;
    my $tag = defined $value ? qq(<li value="$value">\n) : "<li>\n";
    $output . $tag . $data;

# Wrap a container around data, preserving trailing blank lines outside and
# putting the tags on lines of their own.
sub paragraph {
    my ($tag, @data) = @_;
    my $data = join ('', @data);
    $data .= "\n" unless ($data =~ /\n$/);
    '<' . $tag . ">\n" . $data . '</' . $tag . ">\n";

# Multiparagraph structure is maintained based on indentation level.  The
# global variable @INDENT holds a stack of pairs of block elements and their
# corresponding indentation levels.  The possible structure elements are dl,
# dd, ul, ol, li, and blockquote.
# This function is used to start or end block structure elements.  It closes
# any pending open structure elements with an indent level greater than the
# indentation level given, and then closes any open structure elements with an
# indentation level equal to the one given if a new structure element is given
# and it is different than the open one.  Then, if a structure element is
# given, open a new block structure element with that indentation.
# One can pass attributes in for the opening tag; anything after a space will
# be stripped out for determining the close tag.
sub start {
    my ($indent, $tag, $data) = @_;
    $indent = 0 unless defined $indent;
    my $e = $tag || '';
    $e =~ s/ .*//;
    $data = '' unless $data;
    my $output = '';
    while (@INDENT) {
        last if ($INDENT[0][1] < $indent);
        last if ($tag && $INDENT[0][1] == $indent && $INDENT[0][0] eq $tag);
        last if ($INDENT[0][1] == $indent && !$tag && $INDENT[0][0] ne 'dl');
        $output .= "</$INDENT[0][0]>\n";
        shift @INDENT;
    return $output unless $tag;
    if (!@INDENT || $indent > $INDENT[0][1]) {
        $output .= "<$tag>\n";
        unshift (@INDENT, [ $tag, $indent ]);
    $output . $data;

# Handle titles, which should have newlines turned into spaces and leading and
# trailing whitespace zapped.
sub title {
    local $_ = shift;
    s/\s*\n\s*/ /g;
    '<title>' . $_ . '</title>';

# Various containers.
sub blockquote { paragraph ('blockquote', @_) }
sub dt         { container ('dt',         @_) }
sub h1         { container ('h1',         @_) }
sub h2         { container ('h2',         @_) }
sub h3         { container ('h3',         @_) }
sub head       { paragraph ('head',       @_) }
sub p          { paragraph ('p',          @_) }
sub pre        { container ('pre',        @_) }

# Header parsing

# Check to see if the header looks like that of a FAQ.  If it doesn't, return
# undefs; otherwise, return a list consisting of the author, the title, and
# the original author if any was given.
sub handle_faq_headers {
    my ($author, $title);
    if (defined && /^From /) { $_ = <$IN> }
    while (defined && is_header $_) {
        my ($header, $content) = /^([\w-]+):\s+(.*)/;

        # Deal with continuation lines.
        $_ = <$IN>;
        while (defined && /^\s+\S/) { $content .= $_; $_ = <$IN> }

        # Save information we care about.
        if    (lc $header eq 'from')    { $author = $content }
        elsif (lc $header eq 'subject') { $title  = $content }

    # Skip blank lines (either initial ones or ones after headers.
    $_ = <$IN> while (defined && /^\s*$/);

    # Parse the FAQ subheaders, if any.  If we see any, we use the HTML-title
    # and the Original-author headers.
    my $original;
    while (defined && is_header $_) {
        my ($header, $content) = /^([\w-]+):\s+(.*)/;

        # Deal with continuation lines.
        $_ = <$IN>;
        while (defined && /^\s+\S/) { $content .= $_; $_ = <$IN> }

        # Save information we care about.
        if    (lc $header eq 'html-title')      { $title    = $content }
        elsif (lc $header eq 'original-author') { $original = $content }

    # Return the information we found.
    return ($author, $title, $original);

# Check to see if the header looks like my documentation format.  If it
# doesn't, return undefs.  Otherwise, return a list consisting of the author,
# the title, and the CVS revision string.
sub handle_doc_headers {
    my ($author, $subject, $id);
    while (defined && /^\s*[\w-]+:\s/) {
        my ($header, $content) = /^\s*([\w-]+):\s+(.*)/;
        $_ = <$IN>;

        # Save information we care about.
        if    (lc $header eq 'author')   { $author  = $content }
        elsif (lc $header eq 'subject')  { $subject = $content }
        elsif (lc $header eq 'revision') { $id = $content if is_id $content }

    # Return the information we found.
    return ($author, $subject, $id);

# Main routine

# Trim extraneous garbage from the path.
my $fullpath = $0;
$0 =~ s%.*/%%;

# Parse command-line options, if any.
my ($help, $lastmod, $numbered, $style, $realtitle, $version);
Getopt::Long::config ('bundling');
GetOptions ('h|help'          => \$help,
            'l|last-modified' => \$lastmod,
            's|style=s'       => \$style,
            't|title=s'       => \$realtitle,
            'u|use-value'     => \$USEVALUE,
            'v|version'       => \$version) or exit 1;

# If they asked for help, give them the documentation.
if ($help) {
    print "Feeding myself to perldoc, please wait....\n";
    exec ('perldoc', '-t', $fullpath) or die "$0: can't fork: $!\n";

# If they asked for the version number, print it and exit.
if ($version) {
    my $version = join (' ', (split (' ', $ID))[1..3]);
    $version =~ s/,v\b//;
    $version =~ s/(\S+)$/($1)/;
    $version =~ tr%/%-%;
    print $version, "\n";

# Figure out what file we're going to be processing.  We can function as a
# filter if so desired.
my ($input, $output) = @ARGV;
if (defined $input && $input ne '-') {
    open (IN, $input) or die "$0: can't open $input: $!\n";
    $IN = \*IN;
} else {
    $IN = \*STDIN;
if (defined $output) {
    open (OUT, "> $output") or die "$0: can't write to $output: $!\n";
    $OUT = \*OUT;
} else {
    $OUT = \*STDOUT;

# Check for a leading RCS/CVS version identifier.  For FAQs that I'm posting
# to Usenet using postfaq, this will always be the first line of the file
# stored on disk.
my $id;
$_ = <$IN>;
if (is_id $_) {
    chomp ($id = $_);
    do { $_ = <$IN> } while (defined && /^\s*$/);

# Check for the type of document.  First we see if it looks like a FAQ with
# news/mail headers, and if so we read those headers and the subheaders.
# Otherwise, we see if it looks like one of my documentation files and try to
# grab information from it if so.
my ($author, $title, $original);
if (!$realtitle) {
    if (is_header ($_) || /^From /) {
        ($author, $title, $original) = handle_faq_headers;
    } else {
        my $newid;
        ($author, $title, $newid) = handle_doc_headers;
        $id = $newid if defined $newid;

# Skip over whitespace after headers, and also skip over rules.
$_ = <$IN> while (defined && (/^\s*$/ || is_rule $_));

# See if we have a centered title at the top of the document.  If so, we'll
# make that the document title unless we also saw a Subject header.  Titles
# shouldn't be in all caps, though.
my $heading;
if (is_centered ($_)) {
    $heading = whitechomp $_;
    if (!$title) {
        $title = $heading;
        $title =~ s/\b([A-Z]+)\b/\L\u$1/g if (is_allcaps $title);
    do { $_ = <$IN> } while (defined && (/^\s*$/ || is_rule $_));
$title = $realtitle if $realtitle;
$heading ||= $title;
$heading = urlize $heading;

# Generate the heading of the HTML file, using the filename as the title if we
# haven't been able to find a title.  We claim "transitional" XHTML 1.0
# compliance; we can't claim strict solely because we use the value attribute
# in <li> in the absence of widespread implementation of CSS Level 2.
($version) = (split (' ', $ID))[2];
output dtd;
output "\n";
output html, "\n";
output head ("  ", title ($title || $output || 'faq2html output'),
             $style ? ("\n  ", style ($style)) : '', "\n  ",
             charset, "\n"), "\n";
output comment ($id), "\n" if $id;
output comment ("Converted to XHTML by faq2html version $version"), "\n\n";

# Open the body of the document, and print out the heading if we found one.
output "<body>\n\n";
output h1 ($heading), "\n" if $heading;

# If we have additional headers, print them out.  Otherwise, if we have author
# information from a From header, print that out under the main heading.
# If we have RCS/CVS Id information, add another subheading containing the
# last modified date.  Alternately, if the -l option was given, get the last
# modified date from the source file.  Existing subheadings that look like
# they're just Revision or Date strings are replaced by our more nicely
# formatted string.
# We go to some length here to avoid unnecessary <br> tags.
# Note that </strong> has to be on the end of the last line rather than the
# beginning of the next to work around a bug in lynx.
if ($heading) {
    my ($subheading, $modified);
    if ($id) {
        $modified = modified_id ($id);
    } elsif ($lastmod && $input ne '-') {
        my $timestamp = (stat $input)[9];
        if ($timestamp) {
            $modified = modified_timestamp ($timestamp);
    while (defined && (/^\s*$/ || is_centered ($_) || $subheading)) {
        if (/^\s*$/) {
            do { $_ = <$IN> } while (defined && is_rule $_);
            if (defined && is_centered ($_)) {
                output "\n</p>\n" if $subheading;
                $subheading = 0;
            } else {
        } else {
            output qq(<p class="subheading">\n) unless $subheading;
            output "<br />\n" if $subheading;
            if ($modified && (/\$Revision/ || /\$Date/)) {
                output '  ', $modified;
                undef $modified;
            } else {
                $_ = urlize (escape (whitechomp ($_)));
                output '  ', $_;
        do { $_ = <$IN> } while (defined && is_rule $_);
    if (!defined $subheading && $author) {
        output qq(<p class="subheading">\n);
        output '  ', escape ($author);
        output "<br />\n  (originally by ", escape ($original), ')'
            if $original;
    if ($modified) {
        output qq(<p class="subheading">\n) unless $subheading;
        output "<br />\n" if $subheading;
        output '  ', $modified;
    output "\n</p>\n" if $subheading;

# Scan the actual body of the text.  We don't use paragraph mode, since it
# doesn't work with blank lines that contain whitespace; instead, we cobble
# together our own paragraph mode that does.  Note that $_ already has a
# non-blank line of input coming into this loop.
output "\n" if $heading;
$BUFFER = $_;
my $space;
while (defined $BUFFER) {
    $_ = slurp;

    # Ignore any text after a signature block.
    last if (is_signature $_);

    # If we just hit a digest divider, the next thing will likely be a
    # Subject: line that we want to turn into a section header.  Digest
    # section titles are always level 2 headers currently.
    if (is_divider $_) {
        $STATE{pre} = 0;
        output start (-1);
        undef $INDENT;
        ($WS) = /\n(\s*)$/;
        $_ = slurp;
        $space = $1;
        if (s/^Subject:\s+//) {
            $STATE{contents} = /\bcontents\b/i;
            $_ = escape $_;
            if (/^([\d.]+)[.\)]\s/) {
                output h2 (container (qq(a name="S$1" id="S$1"), $_));
            } else {
                output h2 ($_);

    # Treat lines of dash-type characters as rules.
    if (is_rule $_) {
        $STATE{pre} = 0;
        ($space) = /\n(\s*)$/;
        output start (-1), "<hr />\n";
        undef $INDENT;

    # Everything else needs to have special characters escaped.  We don't do
    # this earlier because if we want to allow < and > in rules, the escaping
    # would make our lives miserable.
    $_ = escape $_;

    # Do this before untabification and stashing of trailing whitespace, but
    # after escaping.  Check to see if this paragraph looks like literal text.
    # If so, we wrap it in <pre> and output it as is.  As a special exception
    # to our normal paragraph handling, this paragraph doesn't end until we
    # find a literal blank line; this hack lets full diffs be included in a
    # FAQ without confusing the parser.
    if (is_literal $_) {
        if (/\n[ \t]+$/) { $_ .= slurp (1) }
        output pre (strip_indent ($_, $INDENT));
        $space = $1;
        $STATE{pre} = 1;

    # Not literal text, so untabify it and stash whitespace.
    $_ = untabify $_;
    $space = $1;
    my $indent = indent $_;

    # If the paragraph has inconsistent indentation, or is indented relative
    # to the baseline *and* the last paragraph we emitted was enclosed in
    # <pre>, assume that this paragraph belongs in <pre> as well.
    if ($STATE{pre}) {
        if (is_offset ($_) || (defined $INDENT && $indent > $INDENT)) {
            output pre (strip_indent ($_, $INDENT));
        } else {
            $STATE{pre} = 0;

    # Check for a heading.  We distinguish between level 2 headings and level
    # 3 headings as follows: The first heading we encounter is assumed to be a
    # level 2 heading, and any further headers at that same indentation level
    # are also level 2 headings.  If we detect any other headings at a greater
    # indent, they're marked as level 3.
    if (is_heading ($_)) {
        $STATE{contents} = /\bcontents\b/i;
        my $h;
        if (defined $STATE{h2}) {
            if ($indent <= $STATE{h2}) { $h = \&h2 }
            else                       { $h = \&h3 }
        } else {
            $STATE{h2} = $indent;
            $h = \&h2;
        if (/^([\d.]+)[.\)]\s/) {
            my $anchor = qq(a name="S$1" id="S$1");
            output start, &$h (container ($anchor, derule ($_)));
        } else {
            output start, &$h (derule ($_));
        $INDENT = $STATE{baseline};

    # A sudden change to an indentation of 0 when that's less than our
    # indentation baseline is also a sign of literal text.
    if ($INDENT && $indent == 0 && $INDENT > 0 && defined ($STATE{baseline})
        && $STATE{baseline} > 0) {
        output pre (strip_indent ($_, $INDENT));
        $STATE{pre} = 1;

    # We're dealing with a normal paragraph of some sort, so go ahead and turn
    # URLs into links.  Check whether the paragraph is broken first, though,
    # and stash that information, since turning URLs into links can
    # artificially lengthen lines.
    my $broken = is_broken $_;
    $_ = urlize $_;

    # Check to see if we're in a contents section, and if so if this paragraph
    # looks like a table of contents.  If so, turn all of the section headings
    # into links and assume broken text.
    if ($STATE{contents} && is_contents $_) { $_ = contents $_ }

    # Check for paragraphs that are entirely bulletted lines, and turn them
    # into unordered lists without <p> tags.
    if (is_allbullet $_) {
        my $last;
        my @lines = split (/\n/, $_);
        for (@lines) {
            next unless /\S/;
            if (is_bullet $_) {
                if (defined $last) {
                    output start ($INDENT, 'ul');
                    output li ($INDENT, embolden $last);
                $last = debullet $_;
                $INDENT = indent $last;
            } else {
                $last .= "\n$_";
        if (defined $last) {
            output start ($INDENT, 'ul');
            output li ($INDENT, embolden $last);

    # Check for paragraphs that are entirely numbered lines, and turn them
    # into ordered lists without <p> tags.
    if (is_allnumbered $_) {
        my @lines = split (/\n/, $_);
        for (@lines) {
            next unless /\S/;
            my ($number) = /^(\d+)/;
            $_ = denumber $_;
            $INDENT = indent $_;
            output start ($INDENT, 'ol');
            output li ($INDENT, embolden ($_), $number);

    # Check for bulletted paragraphs and turn them into lists.
    if (is_bullet $_) {
        $_ = debullet $_;
        $INDENT = indent $_;
        output start ($INDENT, 'ul');
        output li ($INDENT, p (embolden $_));

    # Check for paragraphs quoted with some character and turn them into
    # blockquotes provided they don't have inconsisted indentation.
    my $quote = is_quoted ($_);
    if ($quote && !$broken) {
        $_ = unquote ($_, $quote);
        $INDENT = indent $_;
        output start ($INDENT, 'blockquote', p (embolden $_));

    # Check for numbered paragraphs and turn them into lists.
    my $number = is_numbered ($_);
    if (defined $number) {
        my $contents = is_contents ($_);
        $_ = denumber $_;
        $INDENT = indent $_;
        s%(\n\s*\S)%<br />$1%g if ($broken || $contents);
        output start ($INDENT, 'ol');
        output li ($INDENT, p (embolden $_), $number);

    # Check for things that look like description lists and handle them.  Note
    # that we don't allow indented description lists, because they're usually
    # something we actually want to make <pre>.  This is another fairly
    # fragile heuristic.
    if (is_description ($_) && defined $INDENT) {
        my (@title, $body);
        ($title[0], $body) = split ("\n", $_, 2);
        my ($space) = ($title[0] =~ /^(\s*)/);
        while ($body =~ /^$space\S/) {
            my $title;
            ($title, $body) = split ("\n", $body, 2);
            push (@title, $title);
        if ($indent == $INDENT || indent ($body) == $INDENT) {
            @title = map { embolden ($_) } @title;
            my $title = join ("<br />\n", @title) . "\n";
            $INDENT = indent $body;
            $body =~ s%(\n\s*\S)%<br />$1%g if is_broken $body;
            output start ($indent, 'dl', dt ($title));
            output start ($INDENT, 'dd', (p (embolden $body)));

    # If the paragraph has inconsistent indentation, we should output it in
    # <pre>.
    if (is_offset $_) {
        output pre (strip_indent ($_, $INDENT));
        $STATE{pre} = 1;

    # A sudden indentation change also means the paragraph should be
    # blockquoted.  We render broken blockquoted text in <pre>, which may not
    # be what's wanted for things like quotes of poetry... this is probably
    # worth looking at in more detail.
    if (defined $INDENT && $indent > $INDENT) {
        if ($broken || (lines ($_) == 1 && !is_sentence $_)) {
            output pre (strip_indent ($_, $INDENT));
            $STATE{pre} = 1;
        } else {
            $INDENT = $indent;
            output start ($INDENT, 'blockquote', p (embolden $_));

    # Close multiparagraph structure if we've outdented again.
    if ($INDENT && $indent < $INDENT) { output start ($indent) }

    # Looks like a normal paragraph.  Establish our indentation baseline if we
    # haven't already.
    if (!defined $STATE{baseline} && !$INDENT) {
        $STATE{baseline} = $indent;
    $INDENT = $indent;
    s%(\n\s*\S)%<br />$1%g if $broken;
    output p (embolden $_);

} continue {
    $WS = $space;

# All done.  Print out our closing tags.
output start (-1), "\n</body>\n</html>\n";

# Documentation

=head1 NAME

faq2html - Convert some particular text formats into XHTML


B<faq2html> [B<-hluv>] [B<-s> I<style>] [B<-t> I<title>]
    [I<infile> [I<outfile>]]


Yes, this is another of those odd breed of partially functional beasts, a
text to XHTML converter.  It is my belief that writing a general text to
XHTML converter is completely impossible, on the grounds that people do too
many varied things with their text to intuit document structure from it.
This is therefore a converter that will translate documents written the way
I write.

It may or may not work for you.  The chances that it will work for you are
directly proportional to how much your writing looks like mine.

Usage is simple; just give it an input file and an output file.  If the
output file isn't given, it will write to stdout.  If the input file also
isn't given, it will read from stdin.

B<faq2html> understands digest separators (lines of exactly thirty hyphens,
from the minimal digest standard) and will treat a Subject header
immediately after them as a section header.  Beyond that, headings must
either be outdented, underlined on the following line, or in all caps to be
recognized as section headers.  (Outdenting means that the regular text is
indented by a few spaces, but headers start in column 0, or at least in a
column farther to the left than the regular text.)

Section headers that begin with numbers (with any number of periods) will be
given <a id> tags containing that number prepended with C<S>.  As a special
case of the parsing, any section with a header containing "contents" will
have lines beginning with numbers turned into links to the appropriate <a
id> tags in the same document.  You can use this to turn the table of
contents of your minimal digest format FAQ into a real table of contents
with links in the HTML version.

Text with embedded whitespace more than a single space or a couple of spaces
at a sentence boundary or after a colon (and any text with literal tabs)
will be wrapped in <pre> tags.  So will any indented text that doesn't look
like English paragraphs.  URLs surrounded by <...> or <URL:...> will be
turned into links.  Other URLs will not be turned into links, nor is any
effort made to turn random body text into links because it happens to look
like a link.  I dislike link syndrome.

Bulletted lists and numbered lists will be turned into the appropriate HTML
structures.  Some attempt is also made to recognize description lists, but
B<faq2html> was written by someone who writes a lot of technical
documentation and therefore tends to prefer <pre>; description lists are
therefore only going to work if the description titles aren't indented
relative to the surrounding text.

Regular indented paragraphs or paragraphs quoted with a consistent
non-alphanumeric quote character are recognized and turned into HTML block

It's worthwhile paying attention to the headers at the top of your document
so that B<faq2html> can get a few things right.  If you use RCS or CVS, put
the RCS Id keyword as the first line of your document; it will be stripped
out of the resulting output and B<faq2html> will use it to determine the
document revision.  This should be followed by regular message headers and
news.answers subheaders if the document is an actual FAQ, and B<faq2html>
will use the From and Subject headers to figure out a title and headings to

As a special case, an HTML-title header in the subheaders will override any
other title that B<faq2html> thinks it should use for the document.

B<faq2html> expects your document to have a centered title, and will add one
from the Subject header if it doesn't find one.  It will also add centered
subheaders giving the author (from the From header) and the last modified
time and revision (from the RCS Id string) if there are no subheadings
already.  If there's a subheading that contains RCS identifiers, it will be
replaced by a nicely formatted heading generated from the RCS Id
information in the HTML output.

Text marked as *bold* using the standard asterix notation will be surrounded
by <strong> tags, if the asterixes appear to be marking bold text rather
than serving as wildcards or some other function.

B<faq2html> produces output (at least in the absence of any lurking bugs)
which complies with the XHTML 1.0 Strict standard (unless B<-n> is given, in
which case it complies with XHTML 1.0 Transitional).  The input and output
character set is assumed to be UTF-8.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Print out this documentation (which is done simply by feeding the script
to C<perldoc -t>.

=item B<-l>, B<--last-modified>

Add a last modified subheading to the converted document based on the last
modification timestamp of the source file.  This is only done if no
RCS/CVS Id string is found in the file.  If there is one, it is used in
preference.  This option is ignored if the input is not a file.

=item B<-s> I<style>, B<--style>=I<style>

Insert a reference to I<style> as a style sheet into the generated web
page.  Unless this argument is given, no style sheet will be referred to
in the generated web page.

=item B<-t> I<title>, B<--title>=I<title>

Use I<title> as the page title rather than whatever may be determined from
looking at the input file.

=item B<-u>, B<--use-value>

If this option is given, faq2html includes value attributes in all <li> tags
so that the item numbers will match the numbers specified in the source.
This is only necessary if the item numbers must continue to increase through
disconnected numbered lists, or if the lists don't count as normal.  Without
this option, no value tags are given and the numbering is left up to the
browser, allowing the output to validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict instead of
XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

=item B<-v>, B<--version>

Print out the version of B<faq2html> and exit.


=head1 NOTES

I wrote this program because every other text to HTML converter that I've
seen made specific assumptions about the document format and wanted you to
write like it wanted you to write rather than like the way you wanted to
write.  This program instead wants you to write like I write.  Which from my
perspective is an improvement.

I don't claim that this is the be-all and end-all of text to XHTML
converters, as I don't believe such a beast exists.  I do believe it's
pretty close to being the be-all and end-all of text to XHTML converters for
text that I personally have written, since I've written into it a lot of
knowledge of the sorts of text formatting conventions that I use.  If you
happen to use the same ones, you may be delighted with this program.  If you
don't, you'll probably be very frustrated with it.

In any case, I took to this project the perspective that whenever there was
something this program couldn't handle, I wanted to make it smarter rather
than change the input.  I've mostly been successful at that, so far.

=head1 CAVEATS

This program attempts to do the impossible, namely intuit structure from an
unstructured markup format.  To do that, it relies on a whole bunch of fussy
heuristics, poorly-understood assumptions, and sheer blind luck.  To fully
document the boundary cases of this program would take more time and
patience than I care to invest; see the source code if you're curious.  This
is not a predictable or easily documentable program.  Instead, it attempts
to do what I mean without bugging me about it.

There is therefore, at least currently, no way to control or adjust
parameters in this program without editing it.  I may someday add that, but
I'm leery of it, since the code complexity would start increasing
exponentially if I tried to let people tweak everything.  I've completely
given up on more than one text to HTML converter because it had more options
than ls and expected you to try to figure out which ones should be used for
a document yourself.  That's not the way I want this program to work.

English month names are used for the last modification dates.  To change the
names used, see the top of the script.  Similarly, B<faq2html> always says
the language of the document is English.

=head1 SEE ALSO

The XHTML 1.0 standard at L<http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/>.

Current versions of this program are available from my web tools page at

=head1 AUTHOR

Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>


Copyright 1999-2002, 2004-2005, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2021 Russ
Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
