$version = q$Id: tunefeed,v 0.5 1998/07/23 22:24:47 eagle Exp $;
# tunefeed -- Compare active files with a remote site to tune a feed.
#             Copyright 1998 by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

# Site configuration

# A list of hierarchies in the Big Eight.
%big8 = map { $_ => 1 } qw(comp humanities misc news rec sci soc talk);

# A list of hierarchies that are considered global and not language
# hierarchies.
%global = map { $_ => 1 } qw(bionet bit biz borland ddn gnu gov ieee info
                             linux k12 microsoft netscape tnn vmsnet);

# The pattern matching local-only hierarchies (that we should disregard when
# doing feed matching).
%ignore = map { $_ => 1 } qw(clari control junk);

# Modules and declarations

require 5.003;

use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);

use strict;
use vars qw(%big8 $days %global %ignore $threshold %traffic $version);

# Active file hashing and analysis

# Read in an active file, putting those groups into a hash where the key is
# the name of the group and the value is always 1.  If the optional third
# argument is true, exclude any groups in the hierarchies listed in %local
# and use this active file to store traffic information (in a rather
# simple-minded fashion).
sub hash {
    my ($file, $hash, $local) = @_;
    open (ACTIVE, $file) or die "$0: cannot open $file: $!\n";
    local $_;
    while (<ACTIVE>) {
        my ($group, $high, $low, $flags) = split;
        next if ($flags =~ /^=|^x/);
        my $hierarchy = (split (/\./, $group, 2))[0];
        next if ($local && $ignore{$hierarchy});
        $$hash{$group} = 1;
        $traffic{$group} = ($high - $low) / $days if $local;
    close ACTIVE;

# Read in a file that gives traffic statistics.  We assume it's in the form
# group, whitespace, number of articles per day, and we just read it
# directly into the %traffic hash.
sub traffic {
    my ($file) = @_;
    open (TRAFFIC, $file) or die "$0: cannot open $file: $!\n";
    local $_;
    while (<TRAFFIC>) {
        my ($group, $traffic) = split;
        $traffic{$group} = $traffic;
    close TRAFFIC;

# Pull off the first X nodes of a group name.
sub prefix {
    my ($group, $count) = @_;
    my @group = split (/\./, $group);
    splice (@group, $count);
    join ('.', @group);

# Find the common hierarchical prefix of a list.
sub common {
    my (@list) = @_;
    my @prefix = split (/\./, shift @list);
    local $_;
    while (defined ($_ = shift @list)) {
        my @group = split /\./;
        my $i;
        $i++ while ($prefix[$i] && $prefix[$i] eq $group[$i]);
        if ($i <= $#prefix) { splice (@prefix, $i) }
    join ('.', @prefix);

# Given two lists, a list of groups that the remote site does have and a
# list of groups that the remote site doesn't have, in a single hierarchy,
# perform a smash.  The object is to find the minimal pattern that expresses
# just the groups they want.  We're also given the common prefix of all the
# groups in the have and exclude lists, and a flag indicating whether we're
# coming in with a positive assumption (all groups sent unless excluded) or
# a negative assumption (no groups sent unless added).
sub smash {
    my ($have, $exclude, $top, $positive) = @_;
    my (@positive, @negative);
    my $level = ($top =~ tr/././) + 1;
    # Start with the positive assumption.  We make copies of our @have and
    # @exclude arrays since we're going to be needing the virgin ones again
    # later for the negative assumption.  If we're coming in with the
    # negative assumption, we have to add a wildcarded entry to switch
    # assumptions, and we also have to deal with the cases where there is a
    # real group at the head of the hierarchy.
    my @have = @$have;
    my @exclude = @$exclude;
    if ($top eq $have[0]) {
        shift @have;
        push (@positive, "$top*") unless $positive;
    } else {
        if ($top eq $exclude[0]) {
            if ($positive && $traffic{$top} > $threshold) {
                push (@positive, "!$top");
            shift @exclude;
        push (@positive, "$top.*") unless $positive;

    # Now that we've got things started, keep in mind that we're set up so
    # that every group will be sent *unless* it's excluded.  So we step
    # through the list of exclusions.  The idea here is to pull together all
    # of the exclusions with the same prefix (going one level deeper into
    # the newsgroup names than we're currently at), and then find all the
    # groups with the same prefix that the remote site *does* want.  If
    # there aren't any, then we can just exclude that whole prefix provided
    # that we're saving enough traffic to make it worthwhile (checked
    # against the threshold).  If there are, and if the threshold still
    # makes it worthwhile to worry about this, we call this sub recursively
    # to compute the best pattern for that prefix.
    while (defined ($_ = shift @exclude)) {
        my ($prefix) = prefix ($_, $level + 1);
        my @drop = ($_);
        my @keep;
        my $traffic = $traffic{$_};
        while ($exclude[0] =~ /^\Q$prefix./) {
            $traffic += $traffic{$exclude[0]};
            push (@drop, shift @exclude);
        $prefix = common (@drop);
        my $saved = $traffic;
        while (@have && $have[0] le $prefix) { shift @have }
        while ($have[0] =~ /^\Q$prefix./) {
            $traffic += $traffic{$have[0]};
            push (@keep, shift @have);
        next unless $saved > $threshold;
        if (@keep) {
            $traffic{"$prefix*"} = $traffic;
            push (@positive, smash (\@keep, \@drop, $prefix, 1));
        } elsif (@drop == 1) {
            push (@positive, "!$_");
        } elsif ($prefix eq $_) {
            push (@positive, "!$prefix*");
        } else {
            push (@positive, "!$prefix.*");

    # Now we do essentially the same thing, but from the negative
    # perspective (adding a wildcard pattern as necessary to make sure that
    # we're not sending all groups and then finding the groups we are
    # sending and trying to smash them into minimal wildcard patterns).
    @have = @$have;
    @exclude = @$exclude;
    if ($top eq $exclude[0]) {
        shift @exclude;
        push (@negative, "!$top*") if $positive;
    } else {
        if ($top eq $have[0]) {
            push (@negative, $top) unless $positive;
            shift @have;
        push (@negative, "!$top.*") if $positive;

    # This again looks pretty much the same as what we do for the positive
    # case; the primary difference is that we have to make sure that we send
    # them every group that they want, so we still err on the side of
    # sending too much, rather than too little.
    while (defined ($_ = shift @have)) {
        my ($prefix) = prefix ($_, $level + 1);
        my @keep = ($_);
        my @drop;
        my $traffic = $traffic{$_};
        while ($have[0] =~ /^\Q$prefix./) {
            $traffic += $traffic{$have[0]};
            push (@keep, shift @have);
        $prefix = common (@keep);
        while (@exclude && $exclude[0] le $prefix) { shift @exclude }
        my $saved = 0;
        while ($exclude[0] =~ /^\Q$prefix./) {
            $saved += $traffic{$exclude[0]};
            push (@drop, shift @exclude);
        if (@drop && $saved > $threshold) {
            $traffic{"$prefix*"} = $traffic + $saved;
            push (@negative, smash (\@keep, \@drop, $prefix, 0));
        } elsif (@keep == 1) {
            push (@negative, $_);
        } elsif ($prefix eq $_) {
            push (@negative, "$prefix*");
        } else {
            push (@negative, "$prefix.*");

    # Now that we've built both the positive and negative case, we decide
    # which to return.  We want the one that's the most succinct, and if
    # both descriptions are equally succinct, we return the negative case on
    # the grounds that it's likely to send less of what they don't want.
    (@positive < @negative) ? @positive : @negative;

# Output

# We want to sort Big Eight ahead of alt.* ahead of global non-language
# hierarchies ahead of regionals and language hierarchies.
sub score {
    my ($hierarchy) = @_;
    if ($big8{$hierarchy})      { return 1 }
    elsif ($hierarchy eq 'alt') { return 2 }
    elsif ($global{$hierarchy}) { return 3 }
    else                        { return 4 }

# Our special sort routine for hierarchies.  It calls score to get a
# hierarchy score and sorts on that first.
sub by_hierarchy {
    (score $a) <=> (score $b) || $a cmp $b;

# Given a reference to a list of patterns, output it in some reasonable
# form.  Currently, this is lines prefixed by a tab, with continuation lines
# like INN likes to have in newsfeeds, 76 column margin, and with a line
# break each time the hierarchy score changes.
sub output {
    my ($patterns) = @_;
    my ($last, $line);
    for (@$patterns) {
        my ($hierarchy) = /^!?([^.]+)/;
        my $score = score $hierarchy;
        $line += 1 + length $_;
        if (($last && $score > $last) || $line > 76) {
            print ",\\\n\t";
            $line = 8 + length $_;
        } elsif ($last) {
            print ',';
        } else {
            print "\t";
            $line += 8;
        $last = $score;
    print "\n";

# Main routine

# Clean up the name of this program for error messages.
my $fullpath = $0;
$0 =~ s%.*/%%;

# Parse the command line.  Our argument is the path to an active file (we
# tell the difference by seeing if it contains a /).
my ($help, $print_version);
Getopt::Long::config ('bundling');
GetOptions ('help|h'        => \$help,
            'days|d=i'      => \$days,
            'threshold|t=i' => \$threshold,
            'version|v'     => \$print_version) or exit 1;

# Set a default for the minimum threshold traffic required to retain an
# exclusion, and assume that active file differences represent one day of
# traffic unless told otherwise.
$threshold = (defined $threshold) ? $threshold : 250;
$days ||= 1;

# If they asked for our version number, abort and just print that.
if ($print_version) {
    my ($program, $ver) = (split (' ', $version))[1,2];
    $program =~ s/,v$//;
    die "$program $ver\n";

# If they asked for help, give them the documentation.
if ($help) {
    print "Feeding myself to perldoc, please wait....\n";
    exec ('perldoc', '-t', $fullpath) or die "$0: can't fork: $!\n";

# Hash the active files, skipping groups we ignore in the local one.  Make
# sure we have our two files listed first.
unless (@ARGV == 2 || @ARGV == 3) {
    die "Usage: $0 [-hv] [-t <threshold>] <local> <remote> [<traffic>]\n";
my (%local, %remote);
hash (shift, \%local, 1);
hash (shift, \%remote);
traffic (shift) if @ARGV;

# Now, we analyze the differences between the two feeds.  We're trying to
# build a pattern of what *we* should send *them*, so stuff that's in
# %remote and not in %local doesn't concern us.  Rather, we're looking for
# stuff that we carry that they don't, since that's what we'll want to
# exclude from a full feed.
my (%have, %exclude, %count, $have, $exclude, $positive);
for (sort keys %local) {
    my ($hierarchy) = (split /\./);
    $traffic{"$hierarchy*"} += $traffic{$_};
    if ($remote{$_}) { push (@{$have{$hierarchy}}, $_); $have++       }
    else             { push (@{$exclude{$hierarchy}}, $_); $exclude++ }
my @patterns;
if ($have > $exclude * 4) {
    push (@patterns, "*");
    $positive = 1;
for (sort by_hierarchy keys %count)  {
    if ($have{$_} && !$exclude{$_}) {
        push (@patterns, "$_.*") unless $positive;
    } elsif ($exclude{$_} && !$have{$_}) {
        push (@patterns, "!$_.*") if $positive;
    } else {
        push (@patterns, smash ($have{$_}, $exclude{$_}, $_, $positive));
output (\@patterns);

# Documentation

=head1 NAME

tunefeed - Build a newsgroups pattern for a remote feed


B<tunefeed> [B<-hv>] [B<-t> I<threshold>] [B<-d> I<days>] I<local>
I<remote> [I<traffic>]


Given two active files, B<tunefeed> generates an INN newsfeeds pattern for
a feed from the first site to the second, that sends the second site
everything in its active file carried by the first site but tries to
minimize the number of rejected articles.  It does this by noting
differences between the two active files and then trying to generate
wildcard patterns that cover the similarities without including much (or
any) unwanted traffic.

I<local> and I<remote> should be standard active files.  You can probably
get the active file of a site that you feed (provided they're running INN)
by connecting to their NNTP port and typing C<LIST ACTIVE>.

B<tunefeed> makes an effort to avoid complex patterns when they're of
minimal gain.  I<threshold> is the number of messages per day at which to
worry about excluding a group; if a group the remote site doesn't want to
receive gets below that number of messages per day, then that group is
either sent or not sent depending on which choice results in the simplest
(shortest) wildcard pattern.  If you want a pattern that exactly matches
what the remote site wants, use C<-t 0>.

Ideally, B<tunefeed> likes to be given the optional third argument,
I<traffic>, which points at a file listing traffic numbers for each group.
The format of this file is a group name, whitespace, and then the number
of messages per day it receives.  Without such a file, B<tunefeed> will
attempt to guess traffic by taking the difference between the high and low
numbers in the active file as the amount of traffic in that group per day.
This will almost always not be accurate, but it should at least be a
ballpark figure.  If you know approximately how many days of traffic the
active file numbers represent, you can tell B<tunefeed> this information
using the B<-d> flag.

B<tunefeed>'s output will look something like:


(with each line prefixed by a tab, and with standard INN newsfeeds
continuation syntax).  Due to the preferences of the author, it will also
be sorted as Big Eight, then alt.*, then global non-language hierarchies,
then regional and language hierarchies.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Print out this documentation (which is done simply by feeding the script
to C<perldoc -t>.

=item B<-v>, B<--version>

Print out the version of B<tunefeed> and exit.

=item B<-d> I<days>, B<--days>=I<days>

Assume that the difference between the high and low numbers in the active
file represent I<days> days of traffic.

=item B<-t> I<threshold>, B<--threshold>=I<threshold>

Allow any group with less than I<threshold> articles per day in traffic to
be either sent or not sent depending on which choice makes the wildcard
patterns simpler.  If a threshold isn't specified, the default value is


=head1 BUGS

This program takes a long time to run, not to mention being a nasty memory
hog.  The algorithm is thorough, but definitely not very optimized, and
isn't all that friendly.

Guessing traffic from active file numbers is going to produce very skewed
results on sites with expiration policies that vary widely by group.

There is no way to optimize for size in avoiding rejections, only quantity
of articles.

There should be a way to turn off the author's idiosyncratic ordering of
hierarchies, or to specify a different ordering, without editing this

This script should attempt to retrieve the active file from the remote
site automatically if so desired.

This script should be able to be given some existing wildcard patterns and
take them into account when generating new ones.

=head1 CAVEATS

Please be aware that your neighbor's active file may not accurately
represent the groups they wish to receive from you.  As with everything,
choices made by automated programs like this one should be reviewed by a
human and the remote site should be notified, and if they have sent
explicit patterns, those should be honored instead.  I definitely do *not*
recommend running this program on any sort of automated basis.

=head1 AUTHOR

Russ Allbery E<lt>rra@stanford.eduE<gt>
