#!/usr/bin/perl # # backport -- Backport a Debian package automatically. # # Written by Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org> # Copyright 2015 Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org> # Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 # The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University # # This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it # under the same terms as Perl itself. ############################################################################## # Modules and declarations ############################################################################## use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename qw(basename); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); # Avoid a dependency on List::MoreUtils. ## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitBooleanGrep) # Refactoring work yet to be done. ## no critic (ControlStructures::ProhibitCascadingIfElse) ## no critic (InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen) ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity) # Get the script version number from CVS. our $ID = q$Id: backport,v 1.32 2015/08/17 00:48:39 eagle Exp $; # The supported backporting version schemes. This is a hash of target name # (suitable for the -t option) to version suffix pattern. Currently, the # pattern is a constant. Later versions of this script may support setting # things like the target Debian release number. The suffix pattern should not # contain the leading ~; that will be added automatically. our %SUFFIX = ( bpo => 'bpo', eyrie => 'ebp', stanford => 'sbp', ); # The mapping from known distribution targets to version numbers. our %VERSION = ( 'etch-backports' => '40', etch => '40', 'lenny-backports' => '50', lenny => '50', oldstable => '60', 'squeeze-backports' => '60', squeeze => '60', 'wheezy-backports' => '70', wheezy => '70', 'jessie-backports' => '8', jessie => '8', stable => '8', ); ############################################################################## # Utility functions ############################################################################## # Add a change to the existing changelog entry with dch. More than one # message may be given in one call, in which case each is added as a separate # changelog entry. # # @messages - The messages to add # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on dch failure sub dch { my (@messages) = @_; for my $message (@messages) { system('dch', '-a', $message) == 0 or die "dch -a '$message' failed\n"; } return; } # Check the debian/control file to see if the backporter is already a # maintainer or uploader, and if not, add them to Uploaders. Extract the # backporter from debian/changelog (requiring that this function be called # after the initial changelog entry is written) so that we don't have to # reproduce the logic from dch. # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on failure sub fix_uploaders { my $maintainer; open(my $changelog, q{-|}, 'dpkg-parsechangelog') or die "Cannot run dpkg-parsechangelog: $!\n"; CHANGELOG: while (defined(my $line = <$changelog>)) { if ($line =~ m{ \A Maintainer: \s+ (.*) \z}xms) { $maintainer = $1; last CHANGELOG; } } close($changelog) or die "Cannot close dpkg-parsechangelog: $!\n"; return if !defined($maintainer); $maintainer =~ s{ \s+ \z }{}xms; # Scan the existing control file and see if the maintainer already occurs # in Maintainer or Uploaders. We have to deal with line continuation in # the Uploaders field, which makes this a bit complicated. I should # probably use one of the parsing libraries, but then I have an extra # dependency. my (@control, $found, $inuploaders); open(my $control, '<', 'debian/control') or die "Cannot open debian/control: $!\n"; CONTROL: while (defined(my $line = <$control>)) { last CONTROL if $line eq "\n"; push(@control, $line); # Check if this is a line we're interested in. if ($line =~ m{ \A (?:Maintainer|Uploaders): \s* (.*) \n \z }xmsi) { my @ids = split(m{ \s*,\s* }xms, $1); $inuploaders = 1; if (grep { $_ eq $maintainer } @ids) { $found = 1; last CONTROL; } } elsif ($inuploaders && $line =~ m{ \A \s }xms) { $line =~ s{ \A \s+ }{}xms; $line =~ s{ \s+ \z }{}xms; my @ids = split(m{ \s*,\s* }xms, $line); if (grep { $_ eq $maintainer } @ids) { $found = 1; last CONTROL; } } else { $inuploaders = 0; } } # If the backporter wasn't found, we need to add them to Uploaders. We # want to add them to the end of Uploaders, including any continuation # lines, and add a new continuation line if the line was too long. If # there is no Uploaders field, add a new one. if (!$found) { my $done; open(my $new, '>', 'debian/control.new') or die "Cannot create debian/control.new: $!\n"; for my $i (0 .. $#control) { if (!$done && $control[$i] =~ m{ \A Uploaders: }xmsi) { my $j = $i + 1; while ($control[$j] && $control[$j] =~ m{ \A \s }xms) { $j++; } $j--; chomp $control[$j]; if (length($control[$j]) + length($maintainer) > 72) { $control[$j] .= ",\n $maintainer\n"; } else { $control[$j] .= ", $maintainer\n"; } $done = 1; } print {$new} $control[$i] or die "Cannot write to debian/control.new: $!\n"; } if (!$done) { print {$new} "Uploaders: $maintainer\n" or die "Cannot write to debian/control.new: $!\n"; } print {$new} "\n", <$control> or die "Cannot write to debian/control.new: $!\n"; close($control) or die "Cannot close debian/control: $!\n"; close($new) or die "Cannot flush debian/control.new: $!\n"; rename('debian/control.new', 'debian/control') or die "Cannot rename debian/control.new to debian/control: $!\n"; dch('Add myself to Uploaders.'); } return; } # Given the path to a *.dsc file, determine the source version from that file. # We need to determine this from the *.dsc file rather than the file name so # that we can include the epoch. # # $dsc - Path to *.dsc file # # Returns: Version of the source package # Throws: Text exception on I/O or parse failure sub source_version { my ($dsc) = @_; my $version; open(my $file, '<', $dsc) or die "Unable to open $dsc file for version: $!\n"; DSC: while (defined(my $line = <$file>)) { if ($line =~ m{ \A Version: \s+ (\S+) \n \z}xms) { $version = $1; last DSC; } } close($file) or die "Cannot close $dsc: $!\n"; if (!defined($version)) { die "Unable to parse $dsc for version\n"; } return $version; } # Determine the maximum urgency of the changes that are included in this # backport (or just the most recent change if we don't have information # about the previous change in the target distribution). # # $last - Version number at which to stop searching (optional) # # Returns: Highest urgency of changes found # Throws: Text exception on I/O failure sub urgency { my ($last_version) = @_; my $rank = 0; my %ranking = map { $_ => $rank++ } qw(low medium high emergency critical); my $urgency = 'low'; # Determine the arguments for dpkg-parsechangelog. my @version = defined($last_version) ? ("-v$last_version") : (); # Run dpkg-parsechangelog and analyze the results. We replace the current # urgency with a new one if the ranking of the current urgency is higher. open(my $changelog, q{-|}, 'dpkg-parsechangelog', @version) or die "Cannot run dpkg-parsechangelog: $!\n"; CHANGELOG: while (defined(my $line = <$changelog>)) { if ($line =~ m{ \A Urgency: \s* (\S+) }xms) { my $current = lc($1); if ($ranking{$current} > $ranking{$urgency}) { $urgency = $current; } } } close($changelog) or die "Cannot close dpkg-parsechangelog: $!\n"; return $urgency; } ############################################################################## # Special transforms ############################################################################## # Perform standard changes required for building a package under etch that can # be safely automated. Mostly this involves correcting library dependencies. # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on any failure sub backport_etch { my ($changed, $contents, $new); open(my $control, '<', 'debian/control') or die "Cannot open debian/control: $!\n"; while (defined(my $line = <$control>)) { my $changing; # Correct libremctl-dev build dependency for a bug in etch. if ($line =~ s{libremctl-dev,}{libremctl-dev, libremctl1}xms) { $changing = 1; dch( 'Adjust libremctl build dependency to work around a bug in' . ' the etch version.'); } # etch had libcurl3 instead of libcurl4. if ($line =~ s{libcurl4-}{libcurl3-}xms) { $changing = 1; dch('Build against libcurl3 instead of libcurl4.'); } # etch had libxerces27-dev instead of libxerces-c2-dev. if (s{libxerces-c2-dev,}{libxerces27-dev,}xms) { $changing = 1; dch('Build against libxerces27-dev instead of libxerces-c2-dev.'); } # If we've already started a new file, output to it. Otherwise, # accumulate the contents of control in memory. if ($changed) { print {$new} $line or die "Cannot write to debian/control.new: $!\n"; } else { $contents .= $_; } # If this is the first change we've made, start the new file. if ($changing && !$changed) { open($new, '>', 'debian/control.new') or die "Cannot create debian/control.new: $!\n"; print {$new} $contents or die "Cannot write to debian/control.new: $!\n"; $changed = 1; } } close($control) or die "Cannot close debian/control: $!\n"; if ($changed) { close($new) or die "Cannot flush debian/control.new: $!\n"; rename('debian/control.new', 'debian/control') or die "Cannot rename debian/control.new to debian/control: $!\n"; } return; } # Perform standard changes required for building a package under lenny that # can be safely automated. # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on any failure sub backport_lenny { my ($changed, $contents, %changes, $new); open(my $control, '<', 'debian/control') or die "Cannot open debian/control: $!\n"; while (defined(my $line = <$control>)) { my $changing; # Convert possibly-versioned build dependencies on libxerces-c-dev to # a dependency on libxerces-c2-dev. ## no critic (RegularExpressions::ProhibitEscapedMetacharacters) if ( s{ libxerces-c-dev\b (?: \s* [(] [^\)]+ [)] )? } {libxerces-c2-dev}xms ) { $changing = 1; if (!$changes{xerces}) { dch( 'Build against libxerces-c2-dev instead of' . ' libxerces-c-dev.'); } $changes{xerces} = 1; } ## use critic # If we've already started a new file, output to it. Otherwise, # accumulate the contents of control in memory. if ($changed) { print {$new} $line or die "Cannot write to debian/control.new: $!\n"; } else { $contents .= $_; } # If this is the first change we've made, start the new file. if ($changing && !$changed) { open($new, '>', 'debian/control.new') or die "Cannot create debian/control.new: $!\n"; print {$new} $contents or die "Cannot write to debian/control.new: $!\n"; $changed = 1; } } close($control) or die "Cannot close debian/control: $!\n"; if ($changed) { close($new) or die "Cannot flush debian/control.new: $!\n"; rename('debian/control.new', 'debian/control') or die "Cannot rename debian/control.new to debian/control: $!\n"; } return; } # No supported special transformations for other distributions yet. sub backport_squeeze { } sub backport_wheezy { } sub backport_jessie { } ############################################################################## # Implementation ############################################################################## # The core of the work. Parse the command-line options and do the appropriate # thing. This code badly needs to be refactored to be more data-driven. # # @args - Command-line arguments # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on any failure sub backport { my $fullpath = $0; local $0 = basename($0); # Parse command-line options. my ( $architecture, $binary, $chroot, $dist, $entry, $help, $last_version, $prepare, $suffix, $target, $upstream, $version ); Getopt::Long::config('bundling'); GetOptions( 'A|architecture' => \$architecture, 'a|add-upstream' => \$upstream, 'b|binary' => \$binary, 'c|chroot=s' => \$chroot, 'd|dist=s' => \$dist, 'e|entry=s' => \$entry, 'h|help' => \$help, 'l|last=s' => \$last_version, 'p|prepare' => \$prepare, 's|suffix=s' => \$suffix, 't|target=s' => \$target, 'v|version' => \$version ) or exit 1; if ($help) { print "Feeding myself to perldoc, please wait....\n" or die "Cannot write to standard output: $!\n"; exec('perldoc', '-t', $fullpath) or die "Cannot exec perldoc -t $fullpath: $!\n"; } elsif ($version) { my $output = join(q{ }, (split(q{ }, $ID))[1 .. 3]); $output =~ s{ ,v \b }{}xms; $output =~ s{ (\S+) \z }{($1)}xms; $output =~ tr{/}{-}; print $output, "\n" or die "Cannot write to standard output: $!\n"; exit(0); } $target ||= 'bpo'; if (!$SUFFIX{$target}) { die "Unknown target $target\n"; } if ($target eq 'bpo') { if (!defined($last_version)) { die "Must specify previous version for backports target\n"; } $dist ||= 'jessie-backports'; } else { $dist ||= 'stable'; } if (!defined($chroot)) { if ($dist =~ m{etch}xms) { $chroot = 'base-etch'; } elsif ($dist =~ m{lenny}xms) { $chroot = 'base-lenny'; } elsif ($dist =~ m{squeeze}xms) { $chroot = 'base-squeeze'; } elsif ($dist eq 'oldstable' or $dist =~ m{wheezy}xms) { $chroot = 'base-wheezy'; } elsif ($dist eq 'stable' or $dist =~ m{jessie}xms) { $chroot = 'base-jessie'; } else { $chroot = 'base-jessie'; } } if (!defined($suffix)) { if (!$VERSION{$dist}) { die "Cannot determine version for distribution $dist\n"; } $suffix = $SUFFIX{$target} . $VERSION{$dist} . '+1'; } if (@ARGV == 0) { die "No source package *.dsc file specified\n"; } elsif (@ARGV > 1) { die "Too many arguments specified\n"; } my ($dsc) = @ARGV; # Now, work out a few additional variables we'll need. my $dir; if ($dsc =~ m{ \A ( [^_]* _ .*? ) (?: -[^-]* )? [.] dsc \z}xms) { $dir = $1; } else { $dir = $dsc; } $dir =~ tr{_}{-}; $dir =~ s{ [.] dsc \z }{}xms; my $package; if ($dsc =~ m{ \A (.*) _ }xms) { $package = $1; } else { die "Unable to parse *.dsc file name for package name\n"; } $version = source_version($dsc); my ($revision) = ($version =~ m{ - ([^-]+) \z}xms); $version .= q{~} . $suffix; # Do the actual work. system('dpkg-source', '-x', $dsc) == 0 or die "dpkg-source failed\n"; chdir($dir) or die "Cannot chdir to $dir: $!\n"; my $message = 'Backport to '; if ($dist eq 'jessie-backports' || $dist eq 'jessie') { $message .= 'stable.'; } elsif ($dist eq 'wheezy-backports' || $dist eq 'wheezy') { $message .= 'oldstable.'; } else { $message .= "$dist."; } system('dch', '-v', $version, '--force-distribution', '-D', $dist, '-b', '-u', urgency($last_version), $message) == 0 or die "dch failed\n"; if ($entry) { dch($entry); } fix_uploaders; if ($dist =~ m{etch}xms) { backport_etch; } elsif ($dist =~ m{lenny}xms) { backport_lenny; } elsif ($dist =~ m{squeeze}xms) { backport_squeeze; } elsif ($dist eq 'oldstable' or $dist =~ m{wheezy}xms) { backport_wheezy; } elsif ($dist eq 'stable' or $dist =~ m{jessie}xms) { backport_jessie; } else { backport_jessie; } my @options = qw(-d); if (defined($last_version)) { push(@options, "-v$last_version"); } if ($upstream || (defined($revision) && $revision eq '1')) { push(@options, '-sa'); } if ($binary) { push(@options, '-B'); } if ($architecture) { push(@options, '--architecture', $architecture); } @options = ('--debbuildopts', join(q{ }, @options)); @options = ( qw(--buildresult .. --pbuilder cowbuilder), @options, qw(-- --basepath), "/var/cache/pbuilder/$chroot.cow", ); if ($dist =~ m{etch}xms) { push(@options, '--debian-etch-workaround'); } if ($prepare) { print "Backport prepared in $dir. To build, run:\n\n" or die "Cannot write to standard output: $!\n"; print " pdebuild @options\n\n" or die "Cannot write to standard output: $!\n"; } else { print "Running pdebuild @options\n" or die "Cannot write to standard output: $!\n"; system('pdebuild', @options) == 0 or die "pdebuild failed\n"; my $shortversion = $version; $shortversion =~ s{ \A \d+: }{}xms; if (-f "../${package}_${shortversion}_source.changes") { unlink("../${package}_${shortversion}_source.changes") or die "Cannot delete *_source.changes file: $!\n"; } } return; } # Automatically flush standard output. STDOUT->autoflush(1); # Do the work. backport(); exit(0); __END__ ############################################################################## # Documentation ############################################################################## =for stopwords Allbery Backport Uploaders -abhpv backport backported backporting backports dpkg-buildpackage changelog chroots cowbuilder dpkg dsc filename pdebuild subdirectory urgencies wheezy-backports backports.debian.org chroot jessie-backports =head1 NAME backport - Backport a Debian package automatically =head1 SYNOPSIS B<backport> [B<-abhpv>] [B<-c> I<chroot>] [B<-d> I<dist>] [B<-e> I<entry>] [B<-l> I<version>] [B<-s> I<suffix>] [B<-t> I<target>] I<dsc> =head1 DESCRIPTION B<backport> automates some of the tedium of backporting a Debian package to stable. Given the path to a *.dsc file, it unpacks the source package, adds a changelog entry for the backport with an appropriate version number, fixes build-dependencies that can be handled automatically, and builds the package using B<pdebuild> and B<cowbuilder>. By default, B<backport> prepares backports for backports.debian.org, using its version number convention. In this case, the B<-l> option, giving the version number of the previous backport or the current stable version, is mandatory. Other backport targets may be specified with the B<-t> option. The I<dist> (target distribution in the changelog) and I<suffix> (version number suffix to append) are set automatically based on the I<target> but can be overridden as needed. B<backport> adds a F<debian/changelog> entry with the text C<Backport to I<dist>.> plus any specific changelog entries for other significant changes it makes. The invoking user will be added to Uploaders in F<debian/control> unless they are already listed in Maintainer or Uploaders. The urgency of the changelog entry will be the maximum of the urgencies of the changelog entries for the backported package between the version specified with B<-l> and the current version, or the urgency of the most recent change if B<-l> was not given. The *.dsc file given on the command line must be named according to the normal Debian source package naming convention (I<package>_I<version>.dsc), since it is parsed for package and version information. If it is not named appropriately, the script will fail. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-a>, B<--add-upstream> Include the upstream *.orig.tar.gz file in the *.changes file and hence in the upload. This is necessary the first time a backport of a particular package is uploaded to an archive. If this option is not given, the upstream tarball is included if and only if the original Debian revision (before backporting) is C<1>. =item B<-b>, B<--binary> Do a binary-only build, meaning that neither source nor architecture-independent binary package files will be included in the build. This is equivalent to the B<-B> option to B<dpkg-buildpackage> and implemented by passing that option through. =item B<-c> I<chroot>, B<--chroot>=I<chroot> Use the specified chroot instead of the default chroot of C<base-jessie> (or C<base-wheezy> if the distribution is C<oldstable> or contains C<wheezy>, C<base-squeeze> if the distribution contains C<squeeze>, C<base-lenny> if the distribution contains C<lenny>, or C<base-etch> if the distribution contains C<etch>). All chroots must be in F</var/cache/pbuilder> and end with C<.cow>. This option controls the filename before C<.cow>. In other words, the default chroot is F</var/cache/pbuilder/base-jessie.cow>, and passing C<-c ebo> would use F</var/cache/pbuilder/ebo.cow> instead. =item B<-d> I<dist>, B<--dist>=I<dist> The target distribution for the F<debian/changelog> entry. By default, this is C<jessie-backports> for a target of C<bpo> (the default), and C<stable> for any other target. The target distribution is used to choose the version number suffix for the backported package. =item B<-e> I<entry>, B<--entry>=I<entry> Add an additional changelog entry I<entry> after the note that this is a backport but before any information about changes made by this script. This is suitable, for instance, for noting that the backport is a security fix. =item B<-h>, B<--help> Print out this documentation (which is done simply by feeding the script to C<perldoc -t>). =item B<-l> I<version>, B<--last>=I<version> Specifies the previous stable or backported version. If this option is given, the changelog in the *.changes file will include all changelog entries back to that version (by using the B<-v> B<dpkg-buildpackage> option). If it is not given, only the most recent changelog entry (the one for the backport) will be included. This option is required for a target of C<bpo> (backports.debian.org, the default). =item B<-p>, B<--prepare> Do not do the build. Instead, prepare the backport, making required modifications to F<debian/control> and F<debian/changelog>, and then leave the prepared backport in a subdirectory, printing out the command to run to build the package. This is useful for testing or if additional modifications will be needed after the automated work done by B<backport>. =item B<-s> I<suffix>, B<--suffix>=I<suffix> The suffix appended to the version number of the package (after a C<~>). The default varies based on the selected target and target distribution. For C<bpo> and C<jessie-backports> (the default), it will be C<bpo8+1>. If the distribution isn't one that B<backport> recognizes, you may need to specify the version suffix manually. =item B<-t> I<target>, B<--target>=I<target> The backporting target, used to set other variables, primarily the version suffix appended to the package version. Currently supported targets are C<bpo>, C<eyrie>, and C<stanford>. C<bpo> is the default. =item B<-v>, B<--version> Print out the version of B<backport> and exit. =back =head1 NOTES This script avoids some tedium, but it should not be used blindly. The results are not guaranteed to work, and some packages have subtle compatibility issues or other backporting issues that it cannot handle automatically. The results of a backport should always be tested before being uploaded to backports.debian.org or used in a production environment. =head1 BUGS Currently, most of the interesting settings (such as the target distribution for the backport, or the path to the B<cowbuilder> base chroot) are hard-coded in this script, and it only does backports to C<jessie>, C<wheezy>, C<squeeze>, C<lenny>, or C<etch>. This could be improved in later versions to allow more configuration. B<pdebuild> and B<cowbuilder> are used unconditionally. =head1 SEE ALSO cowbuilder(8), dpkg-buildpackage(1), pdebuild(1) The backports.debian.org contributor documentation, available at L<http://backports.debian.org/Instructions/>. =head1 AUTHOR Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2015 Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org> Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut